part 115: round invader

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That night, you decided you'd stay up with spinel and Steven.

Steven and Spinel were sitting side-by-side playing rock-paper-scissors while you were in the kitchen, stirring a pot of macaroni and cheese.

"I really appreciate you doing this for me, you guys." Steven smiled gratefully to Spinel. "Thanks a lot."

"Eh, it's the least we can do for ya." Spinel states with a laid-back grin of your own. "After all, the gems did seem a little..." she hesitates, rubbing the back of her head. "Haughty. Towards ya."

"That's okay." Steven shrugs, his face softening. "I... just wish they'd listen to me more.

"They will." Your voice came from the kitchen. They both look up to watch as you poured the Mac n cheese into two bowls. "They have no right to treat Steven like that." You walked over to the young duo, offering the two bowls to them. "Steven deserves to be listened to just as much as everyone else on the team, whether it be half-gem or whole."

Steven smiles, touched by your words as he and spinel take their bowls.

"Since Ameythyst ate the bag of macaroni cheese, (Name) used shredded the yellow cheddar and used some Parmesan."

Steven and spinel took a bite in unison, and instantly their faces lit up at the flavor.

"Mmm, this is even better than the macaroni cheese!" Steven exclaimed as he took another, bigger spoonful of Mac n cheese.

Spinel nodded with a hum, her mouth too full of Mac to speak.

"Good." You smiled, trotting behind them, and laid down, letting them lean against your fluffy chest, pressing a kiss into both of their heads. "We can sit here for as long as Steven wants. If Steven and Spinel want to, they can go to bed and (Name)'ll take over."

Steven hums nuzzling into your chest. "Sounds good. Thanks again."

There was a short period of silence, as you all sat to watch the warp pad. Occasionally, you'd nuzzle and preen their heads.

"You know, (name)..." Steven suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence, steven was poking at the remnants of his mac and cheese now. "What if... what if the gems were right? What if nothing appears on the warp pad?"

You frowned at how small his voice was. "Well-"


You all jumped up at the sound of something coming through the ceiling and into the floor. Your fur fluffed out in alarm as the two small gems scurried beneath you, clinging to your midarms as you snarled at the intruder.

It was a small sphere that slowly sprouted small, detached legs.

What the...?

It started to walk towards the warp pad, but you blocked its path.

"This must be what Steven saw! Not through the warp, but it came from space nonetheless!" You growled as you blocked the thing's path. "Intruder isn't going anywhere!"

Steven, despite the initial shock, had a big smile plastered across his face. "I-I knew it! I did see something!" He turns towards the templegates, calling to it frantically. "Guys! Come out-!"

The small sphere suddenly launched itself at your face, smacking you in the forehead with an impressive amount of force, which was enough to temporarily stun you.

It then tried to scramble around you, but spinel was quick to snatch it up. "Gotcha, ya little rascal!" Spinel glares at it, looking confused but miffed with the thing. "Think you can get one over on us, eh? Well, now we got proof that-"

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now