part 5: be a good gem!

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what is this? why do these things have so much emotion? what is so sad about this? why aren't they doing something to fix the problem right away?


you watched the newly repaired TV with a deadpan expression as the cartoon foods that were shown appear to sob at every little thing. dropping something resulted in hysterical tears! it took them stars know how long until they finally decided to pick it up... with no identifiable hands to do so. honestly, what is this?? "hehe, do you like 'crying breakfast friends', (name)?" you hear Steven ask you from behind, seeing that you were nearly stone still, staring at the TV. you don't move for a few moments before letting your head drop, faceplanting into your arms with a grunt. amethyst, who was sitting near Steven, let out a bluster of laughter. "Haha! guess not!" she walks over to you and pats your head, softly whispering to you. "I don't understand it either."

pearl and garnet suddenly enter the room. "steven, amethyst, turn off the TV, we're heading to the ice cavern." you look up from your arms in interest. the ice cavern? "we're going to try to find the shooting star." you sit up on your for arms, eyes sparkling in excitement. the shooting star!? Steven and amethyst quickly run to the taller gems' side, with you clumsily following behind, tongue lolling out of your smiling mouth.

yes! this is it! my very first adventure as a-

"you stay." pearl suddenly said, holding a hand out to stop you. your face crumbled at this and you let out a soft, yet short whimper. but... why? "aaaawwww, pearl, why can't she come?" steven whined. "I'm sorry steven. but you saw how... she can be." pearl said softly, like she was trying not to offend you. "we can't risk having her cause set-backs in this. it's too important." garnet added. you feel yourself shrink at their words, feeling a heavy weight in your chest. lower your gaze and whined, puckering your lower lip into a pout. what am I gonna do then...?

pearl suddenly had a sheepish expression. she didn't expect to have a corrupt gem look so... disappointed. "oh... uh... d-don't be upset... it's just... um..." an awkward moment came over you all as you just sat there and sulked, while pearl attempted to give comfort. finally, garnet placed a hand on your head, prompting you to raise it so you'd look at her, face to face. in the reflection of her visors, you saw your sad eyes peaking from beneath your long bangs. "how about this... if you keep the temple clean and stay here until we're back..." yeeeees? you narrowed your eyes in suspicion. "we'll take you on the next mission we do." you could swear you saw garnet's mouth lift into a smirk as your face lights up, an open mouth smile bursting across your face clasping your forehands together. YES! pearl breaks in, a steely gaze fixed on you. "but! you must not touch ANYTHING. absolutely NOTHING until we return." she pokes a finger into your smooth muzzle at 'nothing' for emphasis. not enough to hurt you, but firm enough to get her point across. "is that clear?" you repress a shudder at her sharpness but nodded. pearl gives a satisfied 'hm' stepping back as Steven lays a hand on your cheek. "be a good gem!" with that they all gather onto the warp pad, with amethyst giving a final farewell; "see ya later, (nickname)!" and with a flash of blue light, they disappeared. you snorted in determination.

be a good gem! how hard is that?

you walk around the small, cozy temple, making sure not to touch absolutely anything. internally, you couldn't help but grin, thinking on how the next time you go on an adventure, you'll be part of it! yes! yes! I'll be going on an adventure soon! you chuffed in elation as you stopped walking and say down. now... what to do... you look around for a moment looking for something to at least keep you busy. that was when you decided to see how much more was to this little home. may as well... I mean... looking around doesn't involve touching... and it'll be quick. just a quick look. with that thought, you decided to walk deeper into the temple. what's the harm in a little self-tour?

wow.... what a majestic place this really is! you thought to yourself, looking around at the extravagant halls, marveling at the detail and decor of it all. truly is a mysterious place... you pause when you hear the sound of... a rhythmic beat. aie? you turn into an open corridor, from where the beating originated and gasped at the massive crystal structure before you. it had massive, vein like structures protruding from it and it glowed with an ominous light. the room itself was rather warm. you take a few steps toward it, both intrigued yet uneased. what is this...? you pick up your pace a bit until you reach the base of it. wow... you peer down at the opening below it, shuddering at the dark abyss it seemingly led into. how far down does this thing lead...

you find your self leaning down, trying to follow the glowing pole that lead down.

it's too dark...

so you grabbed the pole leading down the mysterious opening with your forehands, gripped the edges with your midhands and peered closer...

...still too dark...




oh, I think I see something...!

just a bit clo-


your midpaws suddenly lose traction, and they slip off the abyss' edges, making you slip forward. TOO FAR! TOO FAR! BACK IT UP!! you frantically try to climb up the pole to regain your balance, but thanks to the pole's smooth surface and the layer of fine fur on your palms, you end up slipping farther.

NOOOOOO!! "ROOOAAAAAGGGHHH!!" with a roar of fear, you finally lose your footing and slip over the edge.

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now