part 110: Strange tape

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"What do you mean it was 'in lion's mane'??"

"It means exactly what (name) said," You rumbled, contemplating the shirt in your forepaws while cradling spinel in your midarms. "There is a stache of possessions stored in lion's mane." You explained slowly. "Lion's mane is a sort of pocket dimension."

Pearl stared for a moment. "...What do you mean pocket dimension!?"

"Ugh." You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose. Part of you knew explaining what you've seen wouldn't be very easy, but you didn't exactly think Pearl would be spazzing out this badly. "It means exactly what (name) said. A pocket dimension." You repeated the last words slowly. "Are gems familiar with pocket dimensions?"

"Wha- I- Of course we are!" Pearl stuttered defensively. Her sharp tone made you look at her with narrowed eyes, and she quickly changed her tune. "It's just... I don't think it's possible for lion to... have one. In his... mane."

Your glare didn't waver as you turned your body to fully face her. "Do Gems not believe (name)?"

There was a bit of a challenging undertone in your voice, which made the gems flinch, and pearl took a few steps back, and twiddled her hands together. "Oh no! No no no... I- em..." She appeared to backpetal a bit, stumbling over her words as you stared at her unblinkingly. "It's not that! it's just- it's just we-- "

"We believe you," Garnet quickly came to pearl's rescue. She spoke much more calmer than pearl did but you could tell she was trying her best to find the right words. "It's just... we find it... odd that you found that shirt in particular in lion's mane."

You hummed softly. "Well it was. Strange as it sounds." You looked over the article of clothing again, sniffing at it a bit. It carried a fragrant, flowery scent. "What's the deal with this shirt 'in particular' anyhow?"

Pearl looked like she was going to say something, but garnet silenced her with a hand on her shoulder. "That shirt once belonged to Rose."

You looked at Garnet. "Is that so?" You were almost surprised at this, but then again you somehow did put collecting things past her. There'd probably be even more stuff here if she were around longer. You idly thought, looking over the shirt once again. "Interesting."

"How'd you even get into his mane in the first place?" Amethyst asked, parting lion's mane, searching for some sort of opening much to his slight distaste. You shrugged. "We were only able to enter with Steven's assistance." You explained, absentmindedly folding the shirt. "He's probably the only one who can access entry." You set the shirt onto the table and stretched your forearms over your head. "Speaking of which, (name) should probably see where he's gone off to. He needs to sleep before the sun rises." You set spinel on the couch, and lightly pulled her pigtail to straighten it. "(Name) will be back. Keep box safe until she returns."

For a brief moment her brow furrowed into a look of uncertainty, but she quickly nods with a look of resolve. "Okie dokie." You pecked a brief kiss into her forehead before turning to the door. "(Name) will be back shortly."

As you pressed yourself through the doorway, you didn't notice Pearl's eyes focus on the the shirt, her face somehow becoming unnerved. "Bu-- shouldn't you at least put that shirt-?!"

Her protest didn't reach you as you had already shut the door behind you and lumbered off the porch.


Now, if I were an excitable little boy, where would I have gone?

You thought to yourself, walking on four-legs, still cradling spinel in your midarms. I should probably start at the Big Donut. It's the closest here. You glanced towards the ocean, and saw there was a bit of pink aligning the horizon. I wonder if they're even open yet. You idly thought, quickening your walk to a trot. I better hurry. He needs all the rest he can get.

And I need to figure out what's for breakfast.

After a few minutes of trotting, you see the small bakery come into view, with the lights surprisingly on. You sped your way upto the front door and peered into the glass, finding Lars preparing to open for the day. It wasn't until he turned around that he yelped upon finding you staring back at him. "Gaaah, (Wrong name), you GOTTA stop popping up like that!"

"'s (name)." Your eyes narrowed in annoyance as the teen came upto the door and opened it. "Sorry, but the donuts won't be ready for another hour."

You shook your head. "(Name)'s not here for donuts yet." You replied calmly, with a look of expectancy.

Lars eyes darted to the side briefly before looking back at you with a lifted brow. "Steven, right?"

You nodded subtly. "Where us he?"

He wordlessly leads you to the employee's lounge, and opens the door.

"Hey Steven, your yak's here to-"

He pauses suddenly, halfway in the room.

"Is Lars okay?"

He suddenly steps back from the room in awkwardness. Out of the room, Steven walks out, clutching his video tape with a small, comforted smile on his face. He pauses to give Lars a high-five to his chest before walking towards the front door. Not soon after, Sadie exits the room, wiping tears from her eyes.

You and Lars exchanged awkward glances. "What in the world did you guys watch?"

Lars' question goes unanswered as Sadie walks over to the phone and begins dialing a number, while Steven just hugs you, burying his face into your chest fur. You didn't exactly know what was on that tape, but whatever it was much have been good. "Let's get home now."

He just nodded silently as he climbed your back and nuzzled your back fur.

By the time you reached the beach house, the sun had already started to peek up from the horizon line.

Upon entering, you found spinel had fallen back asleep on the couch, still clutching the tape to her chest. You smiled lightly, and pulled the XXL shirt over her in a makeshift blanket. "Steven go up stairs and try to rest. (Name) will start with breakfast shortly."

Steven climbs down from your back, and after giving your arm another hug, he walked up to his loft, still hugging his tape.

You watched him, with a slight tilt of your head.

What was on that tape?

(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now