part 50: change in places.

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After that fateful day things had changed.

It wasn't entirely noticeable to steven or spinel, things were a bit different between you and the gems. It wasn't bad, per say, but it was enough to bring your attention.

Garnet's change wasn't very noticeable at first; she acted like her usual quiet self, though you did sense a bit of a tension in her presence when you were near, especially when around steven or spinel. She also started to speak a bit more to you, mostly for permission for taking steven out on specific missions or just made brief conversations about steven, spinel or plans of their next mission and how it will run down with you. What you really noticed was how much she'd reassure you on steven and spinel's safety, especially when she notices the slightest tip of your head or hear the faintest of hums from you. It was surprising to say the least, a normally composed and leader-like gem garnet speaking to you in such a way, but you weren't complaining. positive attention from her is welcomed, after all.

Amethyst was thankfully still energetic and perky around you, but she did have an air of caution around you, especially when steven and spinel are in your range sense. She'd try to play it off, but you did notice on how she'd be more careful around the two, especially outside. It wasn't very noticeable, so you really didn't pay it any mind; she still treated you like a friend, laying on your back, engaging in friendly a friendly round of wrestling in her room if steven and spinel weren't around and talked about random subjects. So it really didn't bother you.

Now pearl?

She wasn't subtle in her cautions around you. In fact, she appeared more sheepish and nervous around you, often fiddling with her hands, avoiding eye contact and often spoke with a timid edge in her voice towards you. You could only assume that after what she pulled with the near death experience and your reaction to all the other things that transpired beforehand must have spooked her pretty bad. After all, she was always paranoid of you relapsing and falling back into a primal state as centi once did. But, thankfully, she appeared pleased with how you treated steven and spinel, and when you asked her simple questions like how her day was or about her sword collection, she was more than happy to share it with you. It was mildly off-putting, but she was treating you less like an animal and more like a fellow gem, so you took it without too many questions.

Lion... he didn't change too much. he still did things on his own accord and interact with you if you did with him. the only thing was, he'd occasionally walk over and groom your head and face out of the blue, sometimes rubbing his fluffy pink head against yours mostly yours. You weren't particularly bothered by it, but you weren't a fan of having to pluck lion hair out of your mouth.

But, even YOU had a little shift in behavior. It wasn't noticeable to you but you appeared to have gained a bit more of a responsible air, such as making sure to follow steven and spinel around when he goes out in case he falls or is given a hard time by the donut boy, or the gems of the temple. You even came on a few missions with the gems, just to be sure nothing went awry like it had many times before. You came off a bit overprotective to steven, but he didn't really seem to mind. It was actually kind of cute to him, you caring about him so much. And he was happy to see you act such a way, despite your condition. Spinel was just happy to be around you in general.

Overall, everything was running smoothly in the temple. The CGs appeared to be more comfortable with you and treated you with much more respect than before though they were a lot more cautious, even mildly uneasy when steven and was around you. It made you feel a bit guilty that you scared them that bad, but on the bright side, they got the message and were more careful with steven. so who were you to complain?

Just as long as my young ones are safe...

And the gems know their places...

...Everything will be just... fine.

Besides.... the gems can't make any more screw-ups.

At least, not with me around.



(Alternate) Steven Universe x Corrupt gem reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now