Pit stop

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I'm siting with Carl around the cold campfire when dad leaves with uncle Rick to do a sweep. I hope that can fix the tension between them Dale follows them so after. I don't know if we are going to fort benning or the CDC dad thinks fort benning is better but uncle Rick thinks the CDC is better.
The sweep doesn't take long when they get back Dale has a odd look on his face I wonder what happened probably he saw a walker or it may be nothing.
Dad put his foot on a rock before addressing " I've been thinking about what Rick plan about the CDC. Now look I know nothing for certain and there's no guarantees either way I'll be the first one to admit that" he looks down then at uncle Rick " I've known this man a long time he is a brother and a uncle to my son I trust Rick instincts. The most important thing is that we stay together we need to stay together for our best chance. For those that agree we leave first thing in the morning. Okay?"  So the CDC it is then.
It is nearing sundown now I go into the tent with dad. When we are packing our few things only leaving out a change of clothes and the stuff we have on. I put food in Lady's bowl so she can eat now I also leave some out for the morning. As she eats I have to ask dad it's been bugging me. " what's going on with you uncle Rick and Lori?" He stops packing "since when do you call not call her aunt?" That doesn't answer my question but I respond " after we tried to catch frogs I hear her talking about me she doesn't like me" Dad sighs rubs the back of my head " she loves you she was just made at me she thinks I lied too her about Rick being alive I swear I didn't champ. He had no heart beat." I nod I'm not calling her aunt again at least until she apologize maybe not even then I shouldn't hold grudges but I do. " how is he alive then?" I ask. Dad shakes his head "no idea is a miracle or something" why he say or something it is a miracle. " what up with you and Uncle Rick? is like tension between you two?" Dad looks down then at me " we just are trying to do what's best for the group alright we just disagree what's best my priority is you Carl and Lori it's and always will be" he goes back to packing I speak before I realize "so is uncle Rick's" dad nod "I'm sure it is" Okay then they are on the same page.
I wake up pined to the ground I'm in the tent it still night time. Blood and rot hit my face above me is dad is trying to bite me he turned during the night. I can't hold him back anymore I feel his teeth break my skin. It's over.
I bolt awake so hard I tousle Lady and wake dad up he bolts awake grabs his gun pointing it around he realize there is nothing there. He sighs "nightmares?" I nod pulling my knees to my chest he ruffles my hair " want to talk about it?" I shake my head I probably should but it's just a stupid nightmare I need to man up. Dad speaks again " you think you can get back to sleep" I shake my head again there is no way I can sleep after that. Dad nod "ok then let's get dressed"
After everything is packed in the cars we gather in a half circle around uncle Rick and dad they seem to be co leaders now. Dad starts talking first "alright everyone listen up for y'all that got CBS we are going to be on channel 40 let's keep the chatter do okay? Now you got a problem and don't have a CBs you honk your once and that will stop the caravan. Any questions?" Morales speaks up "we are not going we have family in Birmingham" his wife then speaks " we want to be with our people" people stare at them. I do too it's safer to stay with the group. Dad responds to them "are you sure you will be on your own you won't have anyone to back you up" Morales nods " we will take the chance I got to what's best for my family" uncle Rick speaks "are you sure?" Morales looks at his wife " we talked about it we are certain" uncle Rick turns to dad "Shane" they both squat ruffling through the gun bag. Dad pulls out bullets and uncle Rick pulls out a gun when they hand it to Morales dad tells him " box is half full" Morale's wife thanks everyone. I jump down from the hood of the car I hug Eliza saying goodbye. Then I walk up to Louis I hug him " be safe ok and take this I hand him Mordred he looks at me surprised "but-" I don't let him finish "take it I want you to have it" he nods I walk to dad he puts a hand on my shoulder Daryl voice gets my attention "and you think we have a better chance? Come on people let's go!" We get into the the cars I get into dads jeep I go tho get in the back like always but dad stops me " ride in the front champ " I turn to him "but isn't that illegal?" He chuckles " no more laws anymore champ I'm not going to arrest ya" I smile climbing in the shotgun seat . Lady sits in between me and dad. I turn to dad "we not going to see them again are we they could die an we will never know." Dad starts the car " yeah try not to think about it that's what I do"  I rub Lady's ears and we ride silence for awhile. Then I realize dad is humming a song I recognize it as take it easy I start singing " take it easy take it easy don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy" dad joins in we sing the song over again then another song while we were singing there's a honk. Dad stops the car getting out I see the RV smoking Uncle Rick and Dale are talking about it the hose it doesn't work right now . Dad is looking out through him binoculars "I see something up a head a gas station if we are lucky" Jacqui swings out of the RV "y'all Jim it's bad . I don't think he can take anymore"  dad speaks again " Rick you want to hold down the fort while I go get it"  Uncle Rick nods " I'll go with you" the voice belongs to T-Dog.  Dad speaks again "Keep your eyes open be right back" when uncle Rick walks into the RV dad looks at Lori "watch him please" Lori nods "champ stay where Lori can see you" I open my mouth  but he stops me " your not going this time champ maybe next time if it's safer" I nod he and T-Dog gets in the car and they drive off. I walk up to Carl "hey what's up" he smiles "the clouds" I smile back. we turn around at Jim's coughing and groaning from the RV Carl stares at the RV "he's not going to make it is he?" I shake my head "I don't think so" Sophia comes up now holding the doll Eliza "you talking about Mr. Jim?" when we nod she continues " it's sad but there's nothing we can do" I look back and forth at both of them " is this life now people just dying and we can't do anything?" Sophia shakes her head " not if we get to the CDC we can be safe there! They may have a cure!" Her words give me hope I smile I hope she is right.
When dad gets back Dale puts the new hose on. The adults gather around the door to the RV to discuss Jim. He wants to be left here I don't understand but I know he is in pain but leaving him to die that doesn't feel right. But Lori said it's not you  decision and  this is what he wants. Dad and uncle Rick help him to a tree. Dad tells him "it doesn't need to be this" but Jim states " no I'm good the breeze feels nice. Dad nods "ok" as he walks away I walk up I put my hand on his elbow " bye Jim thank you I'm glad I know you" he smiles " don't worry about me kid I'm gonna be with my family you stay with yours ok?" I nod sniffling "I will Jim" after me Jacqui " just close your eyes sweetheart don't fight" she kissed him on the cheek. Uncle Rick offers him a gun but he refuses it. Dale thanks him for fighting for us Jim responds with "ok" and closes his eyes. For what could be the last time alive. I walk back to to the jeep me and dad don't sing this time.
We stop at the gas station when T-Dog explains that we are low on food and the stores around it are fully stocked. We stop at it there are a few stores a pharmacy a convenient store a auto shop a movie rental place. I remember getting picking out movies with dad we had just rented out die hard again dad was going to return but I don't know if he did doesn't really matter anymore.
Dad and uncle Rick decide how we will split up. Dale will stay with the vehicles and watch the kids dad made it clear I am staying I want to go but there is no changing his mind so no use in arguing. Uncle Rick and Daryl are going to the pharmacy. T-Dog, Carol and Lori are going to the auto store it is the safest because Dad and T-Dog already got the hose Dale explains the parts that they should get. Andrea, Jacqui, Allen and Donna are going into the video store. Dad and Glenn are going to the convenient store.
Dale is on top of the RV " kids why don't you come up here" we look at each and climb up. When we get up there Billy and Ben keep staring at the video store . Dale try's to distract them " so you kids have rented movies before?" After course of nods and noises of agreementhe continues " let's all say our favorite movie we rented Ben how about you go first?" Ben nods " ok my favorite was Robin Hood the one where he's a fox" Dale smiles "I would assume you mean that one. Billy?" Billy speaks " I liked Tarzan" Dale nods "that's a good one what about you Sophia?" Sophia looks back from the stores " I really liked Mulan she was really cool and strong " Dale smiles again " yes she was, like you to. How about you Carl" I already know what Carl going to say before he says "Lion King is my favorite" Dale nods " that's a classic what's your favorite Jacob?" I look around " I like Die Hard." Dale blinks several times surprised " was not expecting that but a lot of people like it. It's also a Christmas movie." I smile at that " dad said that too" Dale chuckles" I'm sure he did."
There's a noise fro behind us I turn around to see dad and Glenn come out from convenient store. With bags full of food it's all kinds except fresh of course that's all rotten but there is lots of drinks, chips candy and other junk food but also canned food there is so much they got extra bags from the store. I smile "This was a great place to stop look at all that" Glenn looks up " thanks Jacob it was really a good spot wonder how the others did"Dad looks up at me and smiles " what you doing up there champ?" I smile and climb down "we were talking about our favorite movies" dad chuckles putting his hands on his hips. "And what did you say" I smile "Die Hard" Glenn stumbles " that's a surprise that's not really a kids movie" Dad smiles "well it is a Christmas movie" Dale and dad laugh at that. Dad puts down the bags " alright kids help me load everything up." The rest of the kids get down as we are grabbing the bags Daryl and uncle Rick come with bags of medicine and hygiene supplies. Uncle Rick sees the food "you did well, we got a good pull too" Daryl grunts in agreement. The group from the group from the auto shop comes out with supplies Lori hugs uncle Rick and Carl. T-Dog tuns to Dale "we got the supplies and some more tools I know how you like your tools" Dale laugh " I do enjoy my tools." The last group comes out Donna is last Andrea speaks first " we got some junk food to bad we got nothing to play movies. They had a lot of good ones" Carl puts up the bag he had " did they have Die Hard? That Jay's favorite" Andrea chuckles " yeah they did may one day your see movies again somehow kids" Donna scoff from behind everyone " Die hard really Shane that movie-" she looks around realizing the looks she is getting the speaks again "-is about a hero dad cop your just trying to get Jacob to think your an action star" I didn't expect that from her we turned to dad when he laughs " that is my plan exactly. I didn't know you were so funny" Donna doesn't respond she never gets the chance to because a walker bites into her neck. Allen screams he aims his gun firing many times into the walker but it's to late walker are coming out of everywhere now we have no choice but to run most of the bags are packed or on someone's back those that aren't are abandoned I jump into the keep with Lady right behind me. I see uncle Rick grab Allen's collar and practically throw him in a car. Uncle Rick jumps in we drive off leaving Donna body we were lucky the walkers were too busy with her to get any of us. That wrong we're not lucky we just lost two people today. We lost Jim and Donna, Allen lost his wife and the twins lost their mom.
It's dusk by the CDC when we get out it's surrounded by corpse. It smells atrocious I gag we travel in a group to the door. The sound of flies is so loud how many are there. Dad say "come on stay together" uncle Rick calls out "keep moving come on" the walk seems long than it is due to the smell. We pass a tank  surrounded by bodies I speak before I think "oh no not good" dad responds " we have to keep moving Champ" we get close to the doors I hear Lori comforting Carl. We get to the doors they are huge garage like doors uncle Rick jiggles the handle on them nothing. Dad starts pounding on the door nothing there's nothing here dad voice echos my thoughts. T-Dog speaks "There's nobody here" uncle Rick turns to him " Why are the shutters down?" The walkers are getting up one gets up it walking towards us Sophia starts crying Daryl shoots the walker with his cross bow he starts yelling " you led us into a graveyard!" Dad yells back "He made a call!" Daryl snaps " It was the wrong damn call!" Dad walks up to him hitting Daryl chest "shut up ok just shut up" Sophia is still crying pressing against her mom. I have my knife out Carol and Lori are pressing together holding Sophia and Carl respectively I'm pressing into Carl's and Sophia's side my knife out in front of me I know I need to protect them but I'm so scared. Dad goes up to uncle Rick " Rick it's a dead end!" Carol shouts "what are we going to go?!" Dad get to uncle Rick "No blame do you hear me No blame" Lori is frantic "She's right we can't be here. We can't be this close to the city after dark." Dad cocks his gun "Fort Benning Rick that's still an option."Andrea shakes her head "on what no fuel. We don't even know if anything is still there. It's a 100 miles!" Dale leans forward "125 last time I checked" Lori snaps walking up to dad me and Carl still lean into each other "forget Fort Benning we need answers NOW!" Sophia let's out a sob Carol shhs her Uncle Rick leans forward "we'll think of something" dad shouts "let's go let's get out of here!" As we are rushing back to the cars Uncle Rick looks back he yells "The camera It moved" dad shakes his head "you imagine it" he and dad both walk up to the  camera uncle Rick keeps repeating "it moved" dad shakes his head again "Rick it's dead it's a automatic device It's gears man, Okay? It's just winding down now come on" dad grabs him and pulls him away "just listen to me man look around it's dead okay it's all gone okay" dad holds him shouting " you need to let is go Rick!" Uncle Rick breaks away slamming his fist against the doors he looks up at the camera "I know your in there I know you can hear me Please, we are desperate. There are 5 children! There is barely any gas left!" Lori runs to him "Rick we need to go!" Uncle Rick pleading " we don't have anywhere to go!" Da shouts "keep your eyes open" lady starts barking at a corpse when it moves before it can get up I jam my knife into it's head " Uncle please we have to leave!" He keeps pleading dad grabs him pulling him away uncle Rick shouts " your killing us this is murder! You are murdering children!" As he finally starts running away there is a screeching sound then a light.
So Donna died. She was going to die last chapter her death surprised me in the comics. I admit that her death has been planned so I hope none of you got attached.
I accidentally Spelled Rick as Rink once while writing I fixed it but found it funny.
This chapter killed the most named characters so far.
I'm not trying to make Jacob a instant Badass he is still a kid who gets scared. But he also is someone who rushes into things with out thinking.
Next chapter will probably be the last one for a while.
Have a good day!

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