Chapter 1 - I Missed You

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Alberto's POV:
Tomorrow was the day I've been waiting for, for a whole year: Luca's return, and Giulia's as well of course, I mean, she's my sister after all. When Massimo adopted me, we called them immediately and through the phone, we heard their excited screams and congratulations. Giulia said that when they came back in the summer, she would give me "sibling punches" to "officially" make me part of the family. Luca told her to give me light punches so I won't get hurt since Giulia punches hard. It was nice to hear him worry about me, and my stomach was filled with butterflies.

I got ready for today and went to work with Massimo. Him and I were fishing partners and we caught fish and sold them. I was pretty good at getting fish since I am a sea monster after all.

After we finished our fishing job in the afternoon, I went to a Gelato shop and got gelato alla vaniglia, my favorite flavor. I sat at a nearby bench and ate my gelato while looking at the kids running by. Sometimes I wish I had a similar childhood like those kids. My dad and I lived alone in the sea my whole childhood. I asked why it was only us, but he always told me that everyone else were annoying and in the way.

Then my dad took me to the tower on the outskirts of Portorosso when I was 13 and told me he would be right back. Those were his exact words, and those were his last he has ever said to me. He never came back. I guess he thought I was annoying and in his way too.

But he doesn't matter now; I have a new dad and he's 10 times better than he ever was. I was so lost in thought and didn't realize it was dark out and the lamps throughout the streets were on, illuminating my place on the bench.

I got up and went home to sleep, excited that in less than 24 hours, I would see Luca again.


Luca's POV:
I couldn't sleep at all last night, I was too excited and nervous at the same time. So many thoughts came to me and kept me awake: What if he wasn't happy to see me? What if he found a new friend? What if he forgot about me?

What if he fell in love?

Thinking about it made my stomach hurt, I don't know why though. I like the idea of love and I'm kind of a hopeless romantic. Giulia showed me many romantic movies and she always commented about it to me when the characters fell in love or shared a kiss. It was kind of weird since before we got to Genova, she was into horror movies, something I could never watch, especially alone.

I haven't spoken to Alberto in a long time since I was pulling all-nighters just to complete my school work. I felt bad that I couldn't talk to him, but if I didn't pass, I would've needed to stay for summer school. My hard work was worth it as I had perfect scores in all my classes. Still, I do regret not talking to Alberto.

I packed my suitcases with my clothes, items I collected in Genova, my school books, and so much more. The last things I packed were Alberto's drawings of us back in Portorosso. I liked the one with us riding on a Vespa; the way he drew us on it was filled with such detail. It was beautiful and I always looked at it before I fell asleep.

Out of nowhere, Giulia barged into my room, which made me jump in surprise and I hid the picture behind my back.

"Watcha got there Luca?" she said with a sly smile on her face. "I-it's nothing Giulia, are you ready to leave?" I tried to avoid the question since I was embarrassed. "You didn't answer my question Luca, is it something embarrassinggggg?" she giggled. I felt my cheeks burn up, I didn't want her to know I was admiring Alberto's drawing. She has a thing of making fun of everyone, not in a bad way of course, but in a jokingly way. Still, I didn't want to be teased any longer, so I showed her.

"It's not embarrassing, I was just looking at it for a bit."

"Alberto drew this? It's so detailed, he drew your eyes so perfectly!" she exclaimed.

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