Chapter 10 - Green Eyed Monster

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I'll officially be releasing ALL remaining chapters throughout the month. I've been writing throughout the year and I think it's about time this story finally ends (it's been years omg). Thank you everyone for reading this story!


Giulia's POV:
I was so tired that once we got home, I flopped on the couch, too lazy to go upstairs to my room. I figured sleeping here for the night wouldn't be so bad. My eyes started to grow heavy and I was just about to slip into my dreamland until I felt the force of a pillow hitting my flawless face.

"OW?!" I yelled out, sitting up and looking at who threw it at me. I saw Alberto giggle to himself, but Luca wasn't there to scold him.

"Okay, first of all where'd Luca go? Secondly, why in tarnation did you throw that pillow at my precious face?" I said while dramatically tending to my injured cheek.

Alberto sat down next to me. He looked a bit worried. "Luca went upstairs to get ready for bed, and I wanted to talk to you for a bit."

"What is it bro?" I asked with concern. My brother is a fun and childish guy, and the last time he acted like this, it was for advice about Luca.

"It's about Luca...and that guy he's friends with. I know you already explained their relationship to me, but I still can't help but feel weird about it. Like, my heart feels like it's sinking every time I see Mateo get near him. Am I insane?" he uttered out.

Does he not know about jealousy? Has he never been jealous before?

"Dude, I think you mean that you're jealous," I replied. "Jealous?" he responded with complete confusion. His eyebrow was raised and his eyes blankly stared at me.

"Think of it as a green eyed monster inside you," I tried to explain.

"I mean, I do have a literal green eyed monster inside of me. Did you forget that I'm a sea monster?" he snarked.

"This is a different type of monster bro. It's that anxious, protective, just weird feeling when you see someone you're close with be with someone else," I try to explain.

When I first met Alberto, he and Luca were basically glued at the hips. Even then, I saw how protective he was of Luca. Add to the fact that he was pretty much abandoned by his parents, it kind of makes sense why he would feel this way. Huh..I should become a therapist when I'm older.

I see Alberto pacing back and forth, biting his nails, a habit he does when he's particularly nervous. "Dude, just..try not to worry about it too much. Don't forget that Luca LITERALLY returned your feelings, trust me, the guy is head over heels just for you."

He pauses and looks back at me with a displeased face. "I trust Luca with my life, it's just that guy I don't trust," he says with attitude. Just like that, he goes upstairs to his room where Luca is. It's late, maybe a good night's rest will help him ease up.

Luca's POV:
The intense sunlight coming from the windows wake me up. I rub my eyes and look around and notice Al laying next to me on the bed- wait WHAT!? Since when did he come into bed?

This was our first time sleeping together in the same bed. Sure we used to sleep in the tower together, but usually on the opposite sides. I blush at the thought of being so close to him last night.

I quietly leave the bed and get ready for the day in the bathroom. After I'm done, I head downstairs for some breakfast. I notice I'm the only one awake as a I see Giulia passed out on the couch and her dad's sea tools gone, meaning he was at work.

"Guess I'll make breakfast for everyone! Hmm, scrambled eggs so the toast will do," I say out loud. As I'm getting the eggs out of the fridge, I hear knocks at the front door. Who would be here this early?

"Coming!" I yell loudly so whoever who was outside knew I was on the way. Once I opened the door, I immediately see Mateo on the other side smiling, holding a bag of bagels. "Mateo! Come on in!"

"Hey Luca! I thought you'd be awake around this time, you're such an early bird," he exclaimed, placing the bag of bagels on the counter. "Since I'm leaving in a few days, I thought it'd be nice to spend all the time I have..with you."

"O-Oh!" I said quite flustered. "Well, I'm glad you came, you can help me with feeding Al and Giulia." I look over at Giulia, who still manages to sleep through the commotion we made.

Mateo sliced the bagels and I got to work mixing up the eggs. "Hey, when you're done, could you wake up Giulia and Al? Food should be ready soon," I ask. He nods and goes to wake up Giulia first. She was reluctant to wake up, but after dragging her from the couch, she finally got up. I giggled at the sight and went to work on scrambling the eggs as Mateo went upstairs to wake up my boyfriend.

Alberto's POV:
I'm having the nicest dream of Luca and I in the future. We're older, but look the same, especially Luca. His wavy, dark brown hair has grown a bit and his equally dark brown eyes still shine the same in the sun. We're at the beach having a picnic and just as I'm about to kiss him, I hear an annoying voice.

"Alberto! Yo! Dude, wake up."

I'm startled awake, blinking as I'm getting used to the light. Instead of a beautiful, sleeping Luca next to me, I see the one person I dislike the most: Mateo.

"Dude, you're such a heavy sleeper, thought you were in a coma haha!" he says annoyingly. "What are you doing here?" I begin to question. Why is this guy in my house this early? I never invited him here.

"Oh, I decided to come here to visit Luca. Last night, he told me he was sleeping here and gave me directions. I wanted to hang with him since I'll be leaving soon," he said nonchalantly.

These were words I did NOT want to hear this early in the morning, especially in my room. "Luca told me to wake you up," he said while heading towards my door. He paused before closing it, still in my room.

"I'm going to change, what are you still doing here?" I ask suspiciously.

"What's your deal with Luca?" Mateo asks, walking closer to me.

I'm a bit taken aback. "What's it to you?"

Mateo smirks, "I like him. No one knows, not even Giulia. I keep it lowkey, but I'm transferring to another school abroad so that's why I'm in this town. I want to tell him how I feel in case he does like me back. Maybe then I could stay in Italy. But the way he acts with you...I want to know your relationship with him."

I'm stunned for words. I knew this guy was bad news. I wanted to tell him that I'm his boyfriend and that Luca only loves me, but I realize that Luca hasn't come out to anyone besides me (obviously), Giulia, and dad. Even though Mateo likes him, Luca doesn't know that, so as far and Luca knows, Mateo thinks he's straight. I don't want to invade his privacy. Luca's feelings come first.

"I'm someone very important to Luca; I'll leave it like that, dude." I say with as much respect I could muster. He says nothing as he looks me up and down, and just leaves. I sit back down on my bed, cupping my face in frustration. This guy really is pissing me off.

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