It doesn't suit you pt. 1

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*Daniel is starting to date again since he's divorced and single.


Johnny was looking forward to working with daniel. There were many clashes and arguing but they sat down like two grown adults they were to talk it out. They finally get each other and learned that the kids also have a say in this as the pressure is high with the tournament coming up.

They were focused and determined to beat cobra kai while also knowing that they should have fun while doing so. The kids are learning how defense and offense can come in handy as they have the choice to make it their own as well. It was going great until Daniel started to date this guy who is a exercise trainer as Johnny sees he's almost buff and big like him. The guy's name is Matt as he's a blonde as well.

The kids see him every now and then as they're happy for their sensei having a life outside of karate and happy. Johnny on the other hand was not, he won't admit it but he will be civil. Just watching Matt and Daniel laughing and smiling as they can get touchy made his blood boil yet feel a twisting and turning pain in his chest and stomach. As if someone shot a bullet in his heart as his throat would feel a lump. Only Miguel and Sam who were close knew how Johnny felt about Daniel. Sam made him realize that when she discussed about him being repressed and how it must be hard for him since before homosexuality was frowned upon. It can only explain why Johnny was so determined to keep coming for daniel when they were young teens. He also remembers the good memories they have when they seen each other again after so many years. Now that Daniel is dating matt, he'll just make sure he's not in the way.

On Saturday, Johnny was in his apartment about to go on a drinking binge until Miguel came by. He asked if they could have a guys day like they used to. Johnny was bored and figured why not as he thought it was time to teach miguel how to drive.

"Oh no need. Sensei Larusso already taught me how to drive as I'm gonna get my license ID soon" miguel said as Johnny thoughts were "WTF"

"What? Since when?"

"Since I spent time with him and learning the Miyagi do techniques"

He sighed as he suggested they make their famous "man-wiches" as they head towards the kitchen. Seeing how there was barely any food, they head to the grocery store instead.

At store, there were barely any people as miguel gets some groceries they'll need and some that's not expired ham. While he was away in different aisles, Johnny just so happened to bump into matt. He was going to turn around with the shopping cart until Matt called him.

"Johnny? Daniel's friend right?"

Johnny thought, "It should be boyfriend but whatever."

"Yeah. Hey man"

They exchanged an awkward handshake before Matt told him how it's great for what they're doing for the kids. Johnny nodded as the conversation was stale before it was about Daniel.

"Daniel's always been the one to push the kids further as he knows what's best for the kids."


"He even took in your son at one point. Robby, is it?"

"Yeah...for a while"

"Where is your son by the way? Is he gone with some other stranger to be his 'Dad' ?"

"If I were you, I'd watch my mouth"

"Oh! You're gonna fight me in a grocery store? Get kicked out like Applebee's?"

Johnny was pissed as his fist into a ball wanting to punch this asshole, but it would only give him satisfaction to see johnny crack. He remembered what Miguel said about wanting to punch someone but don't do it. He's also wondering who could be telling this man his business except the guy who is close to him would be Daniel. Miguel came back with stuff in his arms as he puts them in the cart, saying "hi" to Matt before asking Johnny if he's okay.

"Yeah. Let's go"

They go check out and came back to his apartment as Miguel was born but not yesterday. He knew something was up as he could feel the tension.

"What happened between you and Matt?"

"Me and Asswipe?" Johnny questioned before he spilled the beans on what happened. Miguel can sense that his sensei was still pissed and decided to talk about something else. However, when daniel called johnny about their plans for next training, johnny told him to figure it out rudely and hanged up.

He wanted to throw his phone but he doesn't have money to buy a new one. He was by the sink and took deep breaths before Miguel sits him down as their food was ready. They eat and Johnny was stuffing his face.

Miguel told him, "Why don't you explain what happened to sensei Larusso? Otherwise it would just lead to a misunderstanding and you two will be arguing"

"As if I'm going to bend backwards to Larusso"

"You would if he wasn't dating Matt"

"So what? It's his word over mine"

"Maybe or maybe you will see that sensei Larusso knows you better than you think"

"I just can't believe he told the asshole my business"


He looks at Miguel who's giving him the look that makes him think that there could be other ways of how Matt knows of his situation.


The next meeting, Daniel knew what could become once he confronts Johnny. He asked the blonde if they could talk as they go inside the dojo. He asked, "Hey, Did I do something for you to be pissed off at me?"

He wanted to apologize to the man with big brown eyes but he stood his ground.

"Yeah. How the hell does your little boyfriend know about my situation with Robby?....unless you told him"

"Johnny, I only told him a little about Robby"

"And the Applebee's incident?"

"Johnny, that's no secret as that incident is on the internet in which I didn't tell him about that....why would you think I go around blabbering about your life to him when he's my boyfriend"

The words "my boyfriend" stung him like a bee as he felt like a huge heel for being rude to the man he would kiss the ground for if he asked. He apologized to daniel before leaving out of the dojo and out of Miyagi do. He needed some air as the students were confused when they seen him leave, asking Daniel where was he going.

He told them that everything will be fine and continue practicing before starting the new lesson. Daniel wondered what was Johnny's problem for acting so strange even since he dated Matt. He didn't understand as they were getting along so perfectly. He only hopes that Johnny doesn't go on such a drinking binge and do something that he'll regret.

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