End Credits #30: Paw Patrol: The Movie (Paramount/Nickelodeon/Spin Master)

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Film looks pretty great . . . so far.

(By the time I wrote this, I didn't get to see the film yet)

Requested by LunaACEMadison. Let's do this!

Request Taken on December 3rd, 2021, Intro Written on January 8th, 2022. This chapter started production on July 13th, 2024, and finished production on July 21st, 2024. The outro was written and this chapter was published on August 11th, 2024.

Directed by
Cal Brunker

Screenplay by
Billy Frolick and Cal Brunker & Bob Barlen

Story by
Billy Frolick

Produced by
Jennifer Dodge, p.g.a.

Laura Clunie
Toni Stevens

Executive Producers
Ronnen Harary • Adam Beder • Peter Schlessel

Associate Producer
Bob Barlen

Line Producers
Marcia Gwendolyn Jones
Laurence Vacher

Based on the Television Series created by
Keith Chapman

Music by
Heitor Pereira

Music Supervisors
Dave Jordan and Trygge Toven

"Good Mood"
Written by Karl Johan Schuster, Savan Kotecha, Oscar Görres & Adam Levine
Performed by Adam Levine

Iain Armitage
as Chase

Marsai Martin
as Liberty

Ron Pardo
as Mayor Humdinger

Yara Shahidi
as Kendra Wilson

Kim Kardashian West
as Delores

Randall Park
as Butch

Dax Shepard
as Ruben

Tyler Perry
as Gus

Jimmy Kimmel
as Marty Muckraker

Will Brisbin
as Ryder

Keegan Hedley
as Rubble

Lilly Bartlam
as Skye

Kingsley Marshall
as Marshall

Callum Shoniker
as Rocky

Shayle Simons
as Zuma

Edited by
Ed Fuller

Art Director
Andrew Hickson

Head of Story
Joe Giampapa

Previs Supervisor
Rav Grewal

Animation Supervisor
Guillermo Dupinet

Co-Animation Supervisors
Jacques Daigle
Trevor Hunter

Modeling Supervisor
Adrien Montero

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