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You know there are days when you wake up and feel just not okay... Today Is one of those days for me.i woke up with an anxiety  being an over thinker isnt easy.i don't even know what triggered it smh.

Thank God it's a weekend I don't have to go to school it'd been worst because I'd be so stressed and even more anxious.

  So the only thing I knew would make me feel better was my Diary! I wrote everything I was feeling at that moment when I was done.

i safely kept it AWAY. (we all know how siblings are obsessed with your diary).

I didn't really use to be an over thinker or an anxious person but for the past 1 year I've been battling with anxiety. Every little thing makes me anxious but inshallah I know I'll go back to my old self. I'm willing to put as much effort as I can to get rid of this anxiety.

Later in the evening,I was craving icecream so I decided to ask ya Amla whether she'll tag along.  Everyone knows I don't knock so I made my grand entrance into her room by Barging in.

Hey sis!! I got a glare from an annoyed amyla. What do you want Neenu.

I'm busy as you can see ,she glared. Yeah busy chatting with your boyfriend as usual!! Get out she yelled calmly,

No!! I just came to ask you whether you'd like to go for icecream pleaseeee pretty pleaseeee do this for your baby sister, I love you.

Urghhhh Neenu you never seem to let me enjoy a peaceful moment!! Okay fine let's go.

Ask Mummy first since you're the one that wants it!  

Typical ya amla I stuck my tongue out and sprinted to mummy's room.

After 2 hours of traffic,we finally arrived. let's not forget the insult I got from ya amla as if I made the hold up happen *smh sisters* .

The moment I saw the Huge name written   "ICECREAM HEAVEN" my mouth started to water I was sure icecream will help me take my mind off things.

Ya amla broke me out of my trance close your mouth idiot you're making it look like you've never been at an ice cream place in your life.

i rolled  my eyes and we made  our way in ,with me almost tripping because I was excited and getting a disapproving look from ya amla.

We were  finally on our way home after spending two hours in the icecream place and another one hour waiting for our ordered pizza to be ready.

We got back home around 8pm the moment we opened the door we sighted Mummy watching E News.

her eyes were  fixed and us with a hard glare and we both Gulped. We know better than to be on mummy's bad side. 

I decided to pretend I didn't know what her glare was about heyyy mummy naaaa I said in a babyish tone .

She ignored us . is this the time to come back from an ice cream place at 8pm she glared.  Jeez what's wrong with mummy this night? getting mad over something this small.i said in my head.

We're sorry mummy we both said at once. It's okay just becareful next time! It's not right to come home late. We both agreed and went to our rooms.

After dinner I decided to face time ya Asad I really missed him!

Just when I was about to dial his number a call came in with the name "Ahmad"  omg !! I screamed into my pillow.

Ahmad is my course mate that likes me alot he's very nice but it just won't work due to my personal reasons.

i decided to ignore the call I don't want to give him false hopes. I'm honestly just not ready for any sort of relationship I already have a lot on my plate..I need to find myself first.everthing is secondary.

After ignoring his 5th call it finally seemed as if he wouldn't call again.

So I called ya Asad we talked for an hour ,he had to go so we ended the call. I switched off my phone to charge it , prayed and drifted off to sleep.

the Next day;

Sunday was so boring with Mommy preparing different types of dishes for daddy's return

I am so excited he's coming back today I can't wait to see what he bought me this time!! I specifically asked him to buy me a digital camera because I love taking pictures

especially of nature, flowers,the sky food everything sef!!!and I've been dreaming for a camera and Daddy promised to buy me one

and I'm sure he wouldn't want to disappoint his last born, the thought of it made me  grin

neenu! neenu! ya amla yelled  come and arrange these fruits on the dining table
you don't know how to do anything wallahi

I knew she was saying this because she was made to work in the kitchen today , she'll never change I thought

I'm coming madam be calming down shuuu !

finally, Daddy came back and he gave me my gift and it was the damn camera! my dad is simply the best!!

I spent the rest of the day snapping pictures of everything.

Hi guysssss!! So this is the second chapter and I promise to make it better.


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