I opened my eyes as millions of thoughts flushed over my head, I sat up to grab my phone and the light hit my face too brightly.
I checked to see if Elizabeth texted . She didn't ,but why would she because first she wouldn't be awake yet since its 9:45 wow thats earlier then usual but she usually gets up in like an hour and also even if she was awake theres no reason to text me since shes probably still confused about a lot of things after the accident
A week ago I was at Lizzy's (Elizabeth's) house and she leant over to get her Coke and I could just she her huge diamond blue eyes going past my face as I realised how gorgeous her eyes were and then I noticed how pretty her hair looked today and as soon as I realised that the thought flushed over my head and I realised I was in love with her but for a second I just thought "this cant be happening I'm straight and so is she" and I was just thinking about us kissing and dating as she just said " do you wanna play Minecraft " and I love the game I'm really good at it so of course I said yes and we started playing bed wars and we were doing amazing then I got a text from my mom that I had to go so just as I was leaving her house on the was out I accidentally said " love u byeee" and at first she looked confused then she just said " emm what?" And i was so embarrassed I just had to cover it 'I said see u byeee" and just as I was thinking about it I knew she heard me the first time and she just said ' ok see u later" in a confused kind of way and then I left.
So thats why I'm not surprised she hasn't texted because would you text a person after they said that to you because I know I wouldnt
But the worst thing of all is that I've been so lonely without her the past week due to no one to be with in school and no one to play online with and just no one after school to be with and besides all of that whenever I feel sad and depressed I always only want to talk to one person but I cant because shes the person I'm crying over but the only other thing I do to get my mind of sadness is watch tv so thats what I'm going to do over the next few hours.
Author's note: Hi Im not going to do this in every chapter just every two or three chapters but anyways what did you guys think ? Keep in mind this is my first book so please don't go two hard on me and also I'm not here to get hated on plus I'm really crap at spelling so please don't comment on that but anyways bye !

both of them
Teen FictionThis is my story about , well basically just a normal life but with a few problems and this is my first book