Our Texts

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It was 12:30 and i was just watching tv eating a really good soft piece of cake and then all of a sudden I heard a beep even tho the tv was really loud but I picked up my phone expecting it to be from one of my group chats and then I saw it was Lizzy , my heart was pounding I couldn't believe it because for the first time in a week she's texted when usually we text every day

I immediately unplugged my phone done the face ID and looked at her text

From Lizzy
'hey ,I know I haven't texted in a week but I kinda need to talk ,I was thinking about what you said when you left and I know you said love u bye and I'm not sure on your sexuality but can I just say I'm straight and even is you meant it in a joking kinda way I just need you to know that I'm straight but I will support you if your LGBTQ+ its just I'm not apart of it . I also want you to know I'm sorry for not texting but I was reading your texts I just couldn't type I was just confused and needed to think things through before texting'

As I read the words my eyes started to tear up , I don't know why because it wasn't really emotional just I didn't know how to react since we haven't texted in a while and I missed her and I knew I had to respond

From Charlotte (me)
'Hi ! Yeah I was wondering why you weren't texting but I was meaning it in a joking kind of way just when you got confused I just thought it was easier to cover it and if were on the sexuality subject I am apart of it but I'm bisexual ( i like girls and boys) but I have a preference of boys (i prefer boys over girls but still like both) but yeah I just meant it in a joking way I don't actually like you in that way (i mean your an amazing friend just I'm not into you in that way ) so yeah and also I understand that you needed to think and also later do you want to call because I haven't heard your voice in a good while.

We kept texting for a while as if the incident never happened and were friends again which I'm so glad about because now my depression is ending because now my friend is back and I can finally be happy again since not having a friend isn't the most fun in the world especially when you have nothing to do over summer break and your friend is ghosting you and your other friend well she has another friend and is on a 2 week camping trip and didn't bring her phone because shes having fun with her other friend and no service when shes camping so theres no point in bringing it and it could just get lost.

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