School again, part 2

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*last line*
'Go on... , with your reasons' I said realising she might not have done such of bad stuff as I thought

'With the hospital stuff ,I tried to visit on the second day but they wouldn't let me,they said there was always someone there although one time there wasn't anyone so I did visit you then but yeah I couldn't visit' Lizzy said whilst walking in the school doors ' oh, and why didn't you text' I said thinking that I might just get my friend back 'I just thought you wouldn't be able to read it and that a nurse would see it or your family' Lizzy said kind of regretting herself ' well that makes more sense and I'm guessing that you didn't want to text after because you were thinking I hated you...' I said thinking I was the worst person in the world 'yea....'

And at that moment I had realised I was wrong the whole time and that Lizzy wasn't a bad person and that I was the one who was in the wrong , I just stood there realising ,well basically that and then Lizzy said 'you ok? You coming' and I just zoned back into reality again ' eh yeah sorry just  thinking of something' I said walking down the hall 'yeah I got to go to class now but do you want to be friends again?' I said and my stomach felt empty waiting for her answer 'yeah sure , I would like that' Lizzy said as her gorgeous smile went across her face 'yay , see you at lunch' I said really happy 'ok' Lizzy said walking into her classroom

I went into my classroom as the smile on my face widened, no one could see it since I had a mask on but still , I had never been so happy in my life , I put my bag down and the seat next to Theo because of course the teacher chooses a bitch who body shamed me , for me to sit beside like no don't put me next to my friend she just has to choose a body shammer .

After we did our classes it was lunch FINALLY ,I was starving and I really wanted to meet up with Lizzy on yard

Then we were just in our seats for lunch and I was fighting with Alex's friend hazel about something and I noticed Alex was fidgeting a bit and just saying nothing but I assumed she was fine and if she wasn't well... I hope she would tell me . And then I noticed she went to the bathroom and there was this thing sticking out of her pocket but hazel didn't really notice since she was just continuing the fight and I was getting bored of fighting since with hazel it's boring and exhausting

10 mins later : I hadn't seen Alex come back and it was starting to worry me and hazel so we went to the bathroom since that's where I last heard her but weirdly enough before she left she said to look after myself and I just said 'ok... thanks 😊' and then I realised

I told hazel what I thought had happened and we rushed to the bathroom faster then ever to go stop her , she couldn't do this , why would she , as I was running the tears on my face were going down so fast that by the time we were half way there my face was entirely wet under my eyes and my cheeks and I could tell hazel was feeling the same way but she wasn't crying as much yet but that's understandable since we don't know for sure yet

We got there and...what I thought she might of done , she did...... when we got there there was blood all around her wrist and I was crying so much more then originally now because before it was just initial shock that it might of happened but now I'm crying more then ever in my life and Hazel was crying a lot too . 5 minutes later Lizzy caught up and saw what happened 'how did you get here so fast *breaths heavily * OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED' Lizzy said still trying to breath  but although I loved Lizzy it wasn't the think to be worrying right know . 'Hazel we need to call 911 NOW!' I said almost screaming , so hazel went and called the ambulance and to go to that school ,and when  I screamed at hazel to call the police I think I screamed possibly too loud because a few second later on of my teachers came in 'girls no screaming please , OMG WHY IS ALEX LYING ON THE FLOOR ALMOST DEAD' he said , and at that moment just hearing them words were just too much for me and I couldn't take it , my heart was pounding so fast but yet it felt empty , I was crying more now and I was getting a headache from crying to much , and I was so overwhelmed I turned fasten then light and just leaned into Lizzy for a hug because at that moment with my friend basically dead I just needed someone to hug and cry into so I went to Lizzy

I was just crying into her as she was trying to say it's alright but the only thing I wanted more right now was for Alex to just be alive . I was crying and crying and the hug felt like relief  but my heart still felt empty 'well shes tried to commit.... Suicide ' hazel said and the tears were rolling down her face , it looked liked her face was entirely wet just like mine and I'd say she was feeling just as bad as I was right now or worse . 'I'm calling 911' our teacher said as he got up his phone 'we- already did that' I said barely getting my words out 'ok I will get more teachers to help the bleeding' my teacher said running off to the office .

Lizzy kept telling me to breath because it would help me stop crying and she could tell I was barely breathing because I was crying so much and just it think the last words I will ever hear from her was 'look after yourself' and I never told her about how I really felt but it was pretty much too late now

*the ambulance arrived * 'OK WE NEED TO GET THIS GIRL IN THE AMBULANCE' said one of the doctors . I stood aside and I was starting to stop crying a bit until the doctor mentioned 'we're going to need 1 person to come in the ambulance and also was she trying to commit suicide' . Then my eyes were flooding with water now and I just piped up 'hazel you should go since your better friends with her then me' I said but my eyes were still flooding with tears ' that's really nice of you , thanks' hazel said just as she was walking down the hall with one of the doctors who told her to

'That was really nice of you , are you ok?' Lizzy said whilst we were walking out of the bathroom with our arms around each other 'thanks but no I'm not ok , my best friend has just tried to kill herself and probably succeeded and then the whole school is watching my cry right now and are making rumours about how she died' I said , my heart was pounding and I just needed to get that out but then I realised how Rude I was to Lizzy when all she was doing was trying to help 'I'm so sorry I didn't mean to snap like th-' I was trying to say but Lizzy interrupted me 'no don't apologise, your going through a lot right now and it must of felt good to get that of your chest' Lizzy said as she just put her arms around me for a full hug . 'Your an amazing friend Lizzy and don't forget it' I said trying not to cry 'your amazing too Charlotte' Lizzy said . I was feeling a bit better already but not the slightest bit close to feeling good or even just fine , I was still majorly sad and I could still feel tears rolling down my face

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