Our secret place

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Last line:
'We're dating'

'Omg congratulations' Lizzy's mam said
'I thought you were straight both of you but congrats' Hailey said

We were happy with the response of her family and just before we went into her room her dad said quietly to me 'you better treat my daughter right but I have a lot of trust in you since I've known you your whole life' and I just said 'I will just like always' so we went into Lizzy's room and we just had a nice conversation about how we would tell other people and then Lizzy said that she knew a hideaway where we could go to so where peaceful and relax

It was in front of her house behind her bush and we climbed over the wall and there was this big field but a nice big raised up bit and we could see that to the left was another estate but we could watch the sun and clouds since the houses were really far away that your would actually have to move your body to see them but it was a nice flower field right beside it where the people couldn't go due to the fences

We got comfy and I put my head in her chest and one strand of my hair fell down so she pulled it back , we were hugging in that position looking at the clouds and we went to go get a blanket so we wouldn't be cold and we got pillows so Lizzy wouldn't have her back to the wall and just lying there comfier then ever I felt like I was in heaven and I was against Lizzy's shirt , it felt like the clouds we were looking at and when I looked up and saw her face she looked like a ray of sunshine .

I sat up because looking at her was too gorgeous not to kiss so whilst I was sitting up I was kissing her neck and when I got up she moved the pillow for us to share, then I moved a strand of her hair and we were kissing and I was just thinking how I felt the first time we kissed before all the bad stuff , and when she asked me to be her girlfriend and I was happier then ever

Our lips slowly fell apart and I just said 'should we make this our secret little den for when we want to get away from the world'. She quietly said 'I'd love that'.

But there was school the next day so soon we would have to leave soon

We had one last kiss and just agreed I would tell my parents and my brothers and my sister in law(i like to just call her my sister) since it was too late to be going back and forth

I got home and got my family together but it took ages since my brother Calvin was in his room with his girlfriend Cheyenne and they were playing Spider-Man game which can be very addicting (I would know since I play it with them a lot) and I told Calvin to bring Cheyenne since we, well I really like her and by how she acts around me I think she likes me too but anyways I trust her enough to tell her, but he still he took forever. Daniel was easy enough to come since his girlfriend was in Italy because of school. He was only texting her so he came quick enough

Finally I got my whole family around and I include Cheyenne in family since we almost act like sisters around each other. But anyways I got them around on the family room couch and said 'ok guys so you all know my amazing friend Elizabeth' everyone said yeah 'well you all heard about our kiss a few weeks ago but today she gave me a bouquet of flowers and asked me to be her girlfriend' I said with a smile around my face 'ohhh that's where you got the flowers from' Daniel said. 'wow congratulations, I'm happy for you' Calvin said in a really nice voice. 'awww I'm so happy for you , she's so nice congratulations and she better treat you right' Cheyenne said whilst coming up to give me a hug, which I really liked 'awww Charlotte that's so nice I'm so happy for you' my mam said and came up to give me a hug. My dad came up and said 'she is an amazing girl and I'm really happy for you'

Later on Daniel said congrats and gave me a hug since he said it was getting a bit crowded and thought he would just do it later which is now

After all that excitement it was  half 7 and I usually go to bed at 11 for school so I turned on a movie and half of another and watched it with my mam since I prefer company but I can go to my room since I have a tv in there and my parents built me a little den thing so I can have a bit of privacy since they respect that I would want some alone time and they always knock before entering my room so I can have a bit more privacy

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