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"What the hell is that?!" I slowly blink my eyes open at the shout.

"A child." The voice comes from above me, so I sleepily look up to see long pink hair dangling down towards me. Right! Last night when I was freezing I found this camp and came to this man for warmth. And he let me stay! He's so nice. I like him! His hair is cool.

"Your hair is cool," I mumble from my place half curled up on his lap.

He blinks down at me, whatever he was saying forgotten, before hesitantly replying with, "thanks."

I smile back happily.

"Hey mate," another voice says. I look over, almost falling off pink hairs lap before his hand steadies me, to see a blonde man with big black wings and a weird hat, smiling at me. "I'm Phil. The guy you're sitting on is Technoblade and these two are Wilbur and Tommy," he finishes gesturing to the two other people at the camp. "What's your name?"

"I'm Grian!" I reply cheerfully, sitting up but not leaving pink ha- Technoblades lap.

"Nice to meet you Grian, are you hungry?" Phil asks and I immediately nod making him chuckle. He gets some bread and a flask of water out of a bag and hands them to me, and I make sure to say thank you before I dig in.

"So how old are you Grian?" Will... Wilbur? Wilbur asks. I think the question over for a second before shrugging. "You... don't know?" he continues. I nod my mouth full of bread.

"Do you know where your parents are mate?" Phil asks and I shrug again. "Why are you out in the forest all alone?" I slowly lower my bread to look up at him.

"I dunno," I reply. I hear someone sigh but decide to ignore it, instead going back to eating my bread again. Once I've finished eating and taken swig of water, Technoblade speaks.

"What do you remember?"

I tilt my head back to look up at him before I begin to talk. "I woke up and I was cold and alone, and I thought I was going to die." I pause for a second to take a breath. "Then I heard music! I followed it and it led me here!" I finish with a grin.

"Anything before that?" he asks. I hum as I think.

"I think I was on my way to Mumbo? I-" I cut myself off and look around like that will make him suddenly appear. "He should have found me by now. He always finds me!" I give a sniffle as my eyes burn.


"I'm sure he's on his way mate. Maybe he was held up by something?" Phil says trying to calm the kid down, but we both know it's unlikely.

The way we found the kid, alone, cold and hungry in a sweater way to big for him, it's likely whoever this Mumbo is either left Grian or they didn't make it. I tighten my grip on the kid slightly, ignoring the voices calls of 'softnoblade!' instead looking to my brothers. Wilburs looking all concerned probably coming to the same conclusion as Phil and I, while Tommys sulking about something next to him.

"Ye-yeah! You're right!" Grian exclaims using the sleave hanging off his arm to wipe the tears from his cheeks. "Mumbo's always getting distracted! He'll find me soon!"

"Of course!" Phil quickly agrees. "For now, why don't you come stay with us until he comes?" Oh man, Phil's already adopting the kid.

"What? I can't! You're supposed to stay still when you get lost so people can find you! What if Mumbo comes here and I'm gone?" Grian argues curling in on himself a little.

"You could leave him a note?" is out my mouth before the thought is even fully formed. Grian looks up at me confused but hopeful. It is not cute. Shut up chat. "We can leave a note in a chest saying where we'll be, then he can come find you." I ignore Phil as he hides a smile behind a hand instead watching Grian thinking it over, looking like he's trying to be serious and no! It isn't cute!

Finally, he seems to come to a decision with a determined nod. "Ok! We'll leave a note." I pull a book and quill out of my inventory and hold it out to Grian.

"Do you want to write it?" I ask. He nods again, pulling it out of my grasp and opening it on his lap. The others start packing up camp while I watch him write.

Hello Hermit! This is Grian! I am ok and with Technoblade. I will be at-

He stops to look up at me in question. "The Antarctic Empire," I reply to his unasked question and help him to spell it when he struggles.

-the Antarctic Empire with Technoblade, Phil, Wilbur and Tommy. See you soon!

I take the book back pulling out the page and handing it to him.

"In here," Phil says, holding the lid of a chest in the middle of the clearing we're in open.

Grian jumps up and I lift him into my arms before he can place his bare feet on the snow. I ignore Phil and Wilburs looks as I kneel down by the chest so Grian can put his note in. Phil ruffles his hair with a smile before speaking.

"Great! Now, time to go home!"


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