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My mum and her boyfriend say hi!


"He went through there?" Impulse asks, flying around the pale green portal floating in the sky, the others spread around it too.

"Not necessarily. But he's definitely somewhere on the other side," Xisuma explains.

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Mumbo calls, mood improved for the first time in days.


I take a deep breath, step forward and knock on the door. This is gonna be a pain.

"Tommy? You awake yet?" I call through the door.

"Fuck off Wil!" Tommy yells back.

"Tommy," I lower my voice in warning. "We need to talk." There's silence for a second, then an annoyed huff. The lock clicks and the door swings open to a pouting Tommy, looking off to the side, his arms crossed. I hold back a laugh, instead moving past him to sit on his bed.

"What do you want, bitch?" Tommy asks, slamming the door shut and turning to face me.

"Phil wants to adopt Grian." Tommy scowls.

"What!? We- we don't need him! He's-" I cut him off before he can say anything about Grian he might feel bad about later.

"Tommy. I understand change is hard," I start, holding up a hand to halt him when he goes to talk again. "And I understand you don't want attention taken from you." Tommy somehow scowls harder. "But, if Phil does adopt Grian, guess what happens?"

"What?" he asks, suspicious.

"You'll be a big brother." Tommy's scowl freezes before it disappears like it was never there.


I smirk.


The door slams open to Tommy, a huge grin on his face, and Wilbur following behind with a smug smirk.

"Grian!" Tommy shouts, running to sit next to me. I tilt my head to show I'm listening even with my mouth full of food. "From today onwards you will call me big brother!" he demands. I blink up at him in confusion, about to ask why, but... He's finally smiling, so whatever. I swallow my mouthful.

"M'kay big brother," I say before immediately going for another bite. Tommy's whole face lights up and he turns to send a smug look to Technoblade and Wilbur... for some reason.

"Great!" he yells turning back to me. "I need to introduce you to Tubbo and Ranboob!"

"After breakfast mate," Phil chastises, but he's smiling. I shrug continuing to eat.


"Tubbo! Ranboob!" Tommy shouts as he drags me along with him through the castle gardens.

"Tommy!" one of the two people we're pacing towards calls back. He has curly brown hair with two tiny horns poking out and is much smaller than his very tall friend next to him, with skin half white and half black and a- IS THAT A TAIL?!

I ignore the conversation around me as I stare at the tail, my eyes wide as I watch it swing side to side.

"-ian? Grian!" I jump at Tommy's shout.

"Yes?" I say, turning to him.

"Why are you staring at Ranboob?" he asks.

"Tail," I reply like it's obvious. Because it is.

"My... tail?" Ranboob? Asks, confused.

"Yeah! It's awesome!" He smiles a little at that.

"Well, I like your wings," he says quietly. I smile brightly.

"Thank you!"

"No." I turn to Tommy in confusion.

"No?" Ranboob asks hesitantly.

"He's my little brother!" He pulls me into his arms. "No stealing him!"

"They-" They? Got it! "-weren't trying to steal him Tommy," Tubbo says, amused. Tommy sends Ranboob a narrow-eyed look, but stays silent.

"So!" I start, steering the conversation away from... that. "Ranboob-" Tommy and Tubbo burst out laughing.


"How was your day Grian?" Phil asks as we eat dinner.

"Great! Tubbo showed me his bees, and did you know Ranboo can pick up grass blocks without silk touch? They're awesome!"

"That's great!" he replies before asking. "Would you be ok with going with Wilbur into town tomorrow?"






"Why are we here?" I ask.

"I need to grab some stuff," Wilbur replies easily.

"Ok. Why am I here?" I try.

"The others are too busy to wa- hang out with you, also the stuffs for you."

"For me?!" I reply, excited.

"Yup! You can't wear Tommy's stuff forever."

"Ok!" A minute passes. "Wilbur?"


"Why is everyone staring at me?" I ask. He looks around to see that, yes, quite a few people are doing double takes and staring. Wilbur chuckles.

"Wings are very rare, so they're surprised you have them," he explains.

"How rare?" I ask.

"Before we met you, we thought Phil was the only one to have them."



I stare longingly at the meat I had followed my nose across many streets to find. It smells so good!

"Wilbur! Can I-" I start, looking back, only to find no one. Wilburs gone. I have to find him!

I, regrettably, walk away from the meat stall and look around. Which way did I come from? I have no clue. What do I do? I'm- I mean, Wilbur's lost! My eyes burn and I let out a sniffle. Wilbur... he- I let out a squawk and fall backwards as someone lands in front of me from... above?

"Whoa! Sorry! I- shit- don't cry! Are you hurt?" I blink up at the person my eyes meeting a... a smiley face?


Mumbo makes a distressed sound as he falls to his knees and pulls something into his arms.

"Mumbo? What is it?" Pearl asks gently. Mumbo loosens his hold a little to show the others Grians abandoned trousers. Scar snorts. The others all turn to him incredulously.

"What? This isn't proof that somethings wrong, I lose my pants all the time! And come on! Mumbo's literally hugging a pair of pants, I couldn't hold it in." Impulse also lets out a chuckle at that and the others smile.

"Come on. Let's go look around."


Thoughts? What do you want to happen next?

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