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I had Covid and am just getting over it now ^-^


"He is off world, but we weren't notified. Something definitely happened."

"What do we do now X?" Scar asks.

"We find out what happened, and we find him. Where was he last?"


"This is your room," Phil says, pulling open the door to the spare bedroom next to his and across from mine.

"Awesome!" Grian cheers running forward to jump onto the bed, his wings, now poking out of two newly cut holes in Tommys old shirt, flapping a little as he does.

"He has wings," Phil whispers, disbelieving, as Grian runs around the room, exploring every nook and cranny.

"He does," I reply, just as quiet.

"I thought I was the only one."

"I know."

"We should settle him down to sleep."


I relax as gentle fingers pull my hair back into a loose plait to get ready for the day. The fingers pause, there's a sigh.



"I haven't asked Wil or Tommy but... how would you feel if I adopted Grian?" I snort.

"I expected you to. They probably do to," I reply, amused.

"Doesn't mean you like the idea," Phil mutters.

"Grian's... Grian's alright. It's better then having an orphan hanging around." Phil huffs a laugh at that, continuing to plait my hair.


"Yeah. But you will have to make sure he is actually an orphan before you just adopt him."

"Yeah. He didn't seem to know where his parents were when I asked, but I'll ask again at breakfast."

"Also, I have to ask." Phil hums in question. "Is it because he's a bird?" I can basically feel Phil roll his eyes behind me.

"No. Though it is nice to know I'm not the only person with wings." He finishes the plait and stands, me following a second later. "Let's get to breakfast then you can get to training while I talk to Wilbur and Tommy."


I wake to a crash and pain.

My eyes fly open to see what happened. Was I attacked? Or maybe- wait. Why am I on the floor? Dang it. I fell off the bed. I sit up with a huff rubbing my sore shoulder. That could have gone better.

"Sir? I heard a bang, are you ok?" someone calls through the door. Sir? Are they talking to me?

"Yes?" I reply awkwardly.

They stay silent after that, so they probably were talking to me. Anyway. Lots to do! I jump up looking around and yup! There's the clothes Phil said would be there. I quickly pull them on, they're slightly too big, but very soft and there are holes in the back for my wings! Done. Now to find food. I make my way over to the door and have to lean against it to push it open.

"Good morning, sir," the voice from earlier says. I look up at a man with dark green hair, wearing armor and a black mask.

"I'm not sir," I correct. "I'm Grian! What's your name?"

"Sam. It's nice to meet you Grian," Sam replies with a slight crinkle around his eyes.

"Nice to meet you too!" I hold a hand out for him to shake, which he does. "Now! Do you know where there's any food I can have?" I ask.

"Right this way," he answers, starting to pace down the hall, slow enough for me to keep up. I spend the rest of the walk asking questions, which Sam answers easily, before we arrive in front of huge double doors.

"In here, the others are already eating." I nod as he pushes the doors open for me to enter.

Phil, Technoblade, Wilbur and Tommy are already there, like Sam said, sitting around a giant table with way too much food for five people, eating.

I wave to Sam who gives a little wave back as I make my way inside.

"Morning Grian," Phil says while I take a seat.

"Morning!" I chirp back, helping myself to some food.

"How did you sleep?" he asks.

"Great!" I reply, before shoving a piece of bacon in my mouth making him chuckle.

After a few minutes of eating in silence, Tommy scowling at his plate, Phil speaks again. "Grian? Can you tell me who was looking after you before you came here?"

I look up at him in confusion. "I was," I answer.

"Not your parents?" he asks.

"Nope! I don't have parents," I reply, cheerfully going back to my food. I don't remember ever having parents! There's a loud scrape as Tommy pushes his chair back before he's storming out of the room looking furious.

"Tommy!" Wilbur calls following him out. Phil sighs.

"Why don't you hang out with Techno today?" he offers me, already leaving as he does.

"I have training!" Technoblade calls after him, but he's already gone. He groans.

"Can I come?" I ask.

"You're too young to do my kind of training," he replies.

"Ok. Can I come watch?"

"That works."


Once I arrive at Toomy's room he's already inside, Wilbur calling for him to open his door.

"He locked it?" I ask, stopping at his side

"Uh huh," he huffs.

"Tommy?" I call.

"Fuck off!"

"Maybe we should give him some space," Wil laughs.

"Probably. You have time to talk?"


"Let's go." We walk to Wilburs room for some privacy and sit on the bed.

"What's up?" he asks.

"Grian. How would you feel if I were to adopt him?" I ask. Wilbur raises an eyebrow incredulously.

"I came to terms with it the night he slept on Technos lap."

"But you're ok with it?"

"Yeah. Grians sweet. Even Techno's getting attached. Tommy's the one you're going to have to convince." I heave a sigh. That will take effort. "Or... I could convince him tomorrow, after he's calmed down a bit." I turn to him with narrowed eyes.

"What do you want?"


"GO TECHNOBLADE!" Grian cheers as I take down another of the knights. Normally I go easy on them, instead correcting them on their mistakes to help them get better, but... well, if Grian's going to be my little brother soon I have to show off a little, right?


Baby bird!


Blood for the blood god!!!!


"Something weird definitely happened there," Xisuma calls, flying down from where he'd been circling the end of what was supposed to be Grians last flight path.

"So close?" Mumbo mumbles, looking up, once again standing where he had been when Grian must have disappeared. So close and yet he didn't see him.

"We'll find him," Pearl whispers, wrapping a comforting arm around his shoulder.


Guard Sam is here!

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