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Last chapter! Enjoy!


"So..." Scar starts, as they all stare up at the castle in front of them in silence. "How do we get in?"

"We knock?" Mumbo suggests.

"Where?" Scar replies, and they all fall back into awkward silence.

"What are you doing here?" a voice demands. They all turn to see what's obviously a guard or knight of some sort, wearing a mask with a smiley face drawn on.

"Well," Scar begins, taking a step forward when the others remain silent. "Do you happen to know anyone who goes by the name Grian-" The man immediately tenses, his hand going to the hilt of his sword.

"Whoa! Whatever prank he pulled I'm sure he meant no harm and it's not like we had anything to do wi-"

"Prank?" the guard asks cutting off Mumbos rant and relaxing slightly. "I need to take you to the king."


"Why aren't we out there looking for him?!" Tommy demands.

"We need to figure out who took him or where he could be. We'll never find him if we don't narrow down our-" I start to explain before I'm cut off by a knock on the door. "Come in."

The door opens to Dream who bows, until I motion for him to speak.

"Your Majesty, I found a group of people outside on my way here who are looking for Grian and think he's still here."

"Are they here?" I ask.

"Just outside."

"Bring them in." Dream steps back with a nod, opening the door and gesturing for a group of people to come inside.

"Hello, your majesty!" a man in a red and green suit greets with a friendly smile. "My name is Scar! And these are X, Mumbo, Impulse and Pearl. We are Grians friends and we're looking for him! The note said he'd be here-"

"Note?" Techno interrupts.

"Yes!" he replies, holding out a hand to his friend Mumbo, who starts searching all his pockets before starting on his bag. "Please don't tell me you lost it!" he practically begs.

"No! It's- it should be... somewhe- ha! Here it is!" he cheers holding out a crumpled piece of paper for Scar to take, who then hands it to me. And yeah, this is the note we left for Grians friends.

"Mumbo you said?" I ask, turning to said man who quickly nods. "Yes. He mentioned you. He said that you would come find him." Mumbo brightens at that.

"Well, it was more X then me, but I'm glad-"

"Can we see him?" X asks, sending Mumbo an apologetic look as he cuts him off.

"You cannot," I reply, calmly.

"What? But we-" Impulse starts, only to stop as I raise a hand for silence.

"If he were here I would allow it, but he's not."

"What? Where is he then?" Pearl asks, shifting nervously. I ignore Tommy and Wilbur exchanging a look as I reply.

"He was taken."


"Last night someone took him from his room, we've been trying to figure out who but we have no leads so far. Do you know anyone who would take him?"

"Um... no one who could get him? Or who would get him in an unfriendly way?" Scar says, hesitantly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if any of the hermits would take him, it would only be for a prank since no wars are going on right now," Mumbo explains. I feel Techno stiffen slightly at my side.

"Wars?" I ask, trying to stay calm.

"Um... yes?" Mumbo answers looking awkwardly between his friends.

"And Grian would participate in these... wars?" I continue coldy.

"Yes?" he squeaks looking terrified.

"And his carer allowed this?"

"He... didn't have a carer?" Scar replies, taking over for his trembling friend.

"He lived alone?"

"Yeeees?" Scar draws out the word looking very confused. Techno, Wil, Dream and even Tommy are now glaring at them with me.

"You-" I start only to be cut off by the window crashing open.


'I was right. This is boring." Grian thinks, as he lies there waiting for his captors return since he really is curious who his supposed 'father' is. Though, boredom is quickly winning out. Very quickly... yup. It won. With that he reaches down to pull a small knife out of his boot.

Time to go!


He wipes the glitter from his hands as he leaves the little house he was held in. That should teach them not to kidnap people! Now, how to get back to the castle? He looks around until his land on a random person walking by.

Hopefully they're good with directions!


Finally! The castle! I look around from my position in the air. I could fly down and go in the normal way, but what's the fun in that? Especially when Phils office window is right there! In we go! I glide down, bursting in through the window.

"I'm back!" I call happily looking between the shocked faces of Tommy, Wilbur, Techno, Mumbo, Phi- wait. "Mumbo! You came!" I leap forward into his arms which automatically catch me.

"Grian?!" he yelps. "Your tiny!"

"Your tiny!" I yell back, offended. Scar snorts.

"No! I mean... you're a kid! You shrunk!" he rambles.

"I mean, he was already pretty small." Impulse gets a hit to the arm for that.

"What are you talking about?" Tommy blurts.

"Well, last time we saw Grian, he was an adult. At least this explains your worry about him living alone," X explains. "Do you remember Grian?"

I blink up at him in confusion. "Living alone?"

"I guess not, but don't worry! It's an easy fix," he continues, pulling out his communicator and typing some stuff. I watch him until I start feeling a weird tingling sensation, before I stumble at my new height and memories.

"Whoa!" I exclaim, looking down at myself. "That was crazy!"

"Lucky you were wearing baggy clothes," Scar adds.

"Grian?" I look over to Phil happily.


"Do you... remember us?" he asks hesitantly.

"Yeah? I'd never forget you guys!"


Thank you so much for reading! What did you think?

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