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New chapter!


"Chest! I found a chest!" Impulse shouts, making everyone gather around as he opens it and pulls out a piece of paper. "There's a note!"

"Read it!" Mumbo demands.

"Ok!" Impulse clears his throat, before he begins to read.


I stare up at the guy, who I now know is called Dream, as he pulls out his communicator and begins rapidly typing something and mumbling under his breath. Is he ok? I stand and walk up to him.

"Are you ok?" His head whips around to me and he is breathing a bit to fast, isn't he? "Deep breaths," I encourage, taking exaggerated breaths myself to try and help.

His breathing is pretty much back to normal, when someone lands behind him, making him yelp and stumble past me. The person starts to laugh, and I scowl at them. I love pranks, but I had just calmed him down, dang it! That's it! I'm gonna look after this awkward tall man with the weird mask and I know exactly how. He likes pranks? Well I'm going to give him one. I drop my scowl as the new guy notices me and let my lip wobble and my eyes water.

"Sapnap!" Dream chides, as he gets over his shock and moves to my side. I turn to him as two other people land beside Sapnap to give him a wink while my hair covers my face. Him stiffening a little is enough to know he got the message and I let the water works flow, jumping into Dreams arms with a sob.

"Wha- is that a kid?" one of the new people, the one with weird white goggles, asks.

"Look what you did!" Dream berates, lifting me in his arms to turn to Sapnap.

"I- I didn't mean to!"

"You made a kid cry?" goggles asks.

"I was trying to scare Dream!"

"Apologize you muffin!" the second unidentified voice, a guy with horns, orders. I turn to look at Sapnap, adding in a sniffle because, why not?

"Sorry kid," Sapnap says, actually seeming kinda genuine, but it's not enough!

I stare at him for a few seconds letting him stew in it, before mumbling, "y-you didn't just scare me."

Sapnap holds back a scowl as he turns to Dream who I can feel is shaking in silent laughter. "Sorry," he grits out, and just like that, the scared crying child is gone and I'm smiling happily.

"Good! Be nice to Dream." Sapnap stutters while the others break out into laughter, Dream wheezing like a kettle.

"You tricked me!" he finally manages, but he's obviously hiding a smile.

"A prank for a prank!" I reply cheerfully.

"Wait, is this why you called off the manhunt?" goggles asks.

"Yeah. I think he's lost," Dream replies.

"I'm not lost!" I yelp, offended. "Wilbur's lost."

"Wilbur?" Bad asks, after an awkwardly long silence.

"The prince Wilbur?" Sapnap questions.

"I guess? He does live in a castle," I reply.

"You-" Dream starts, but is cut off.

"Grian!" Wilbur yells as he runs forward, scooping me out of Dreams arms. "I was so worried! I couldn't find you anywhere! The others would kill me if I lost you-"

"Nuh-uh, you were the one who was lost." Wilbur chuckles a little at that.

"Right," he concedes turning to the others who are standing by awkwardly. "I see you've met Dream, George, Bad and Sapnap."

I perk up a little at that. "You know them?"

"They're knights," he answers.

"That's awesome!"

"It is, and you can go visit them later if you want, but we need to get back." I pout, but nod, waving to the other as we leave.


Grian spends the next couple of weeks living happily at the castle.

Going to watch Technoblade train with Dream. (who sneaks him snacks)

"Stop getting distracted," Techno grunts, amused.

"But, it's dangerous here! What if he gets hurt!" Dream argues.

Grian sits to the side, happily eating some chocolate.

Phil trying to teach him to fly only for him to be surprised when Grian is already as good as him.

"Where'd you learn to fly like that mate?" Phil asks.

"Practice!" Grian answers doing loops through the air and trying not to think about the last time he flew.

Wilbur letting him listen to him sing and play the guitar.

"You're so good!" Grian exclaims, his wing flapping excitedly.

"Thank you Grian," Wilbur replies with a smile.

"Can you sing another one?!" Wilbur chuckles.

"Of course."

and going to hang out with Tommy and his friends.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Ranboo squeaks, as we climb our way onto the roof.

"Of course big man! This is nothing!" Tommy replies, while Tubbo laughs.

"Don't worry!" I start, turning to face them. "I'll catch you if you fall!" They don't look very reassured by this, but they manage a smile.

"Thanks Grian." I smile back.

"Hurry up!"

It's all great! Except... he misses Mumbo... and Scar. And Pearl and X and Doc and- he's starting to think they'll never come for him.

That's what he's thinking, lying in bed, distracted by his thoughts and not noticing the window silently being pushed open or the people who sneak through.

Not until it's to late.


"We're looking for the Antarctic Empire?" Impulse, Mumbo and Scar fidget behind Xisuma as he talks to the villager, Pearl rolls her eyes at them.

"We'll find him soon," she tells them.

They smile back.


Mwahaha- ahem- anyway~ what do you think will happen next?

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