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I wrote so much today! :D


"This place is huge!" Mumbo exclaims. "How are we going to find him here?" Everyone immediately turns to Xisuma who looks around in thought.

"We'll ask around about the other names on the note, see if anyone knows them," he decides, turning back to the others, who all give a nod.


Breakfast feels quiet, even with Tommy there insulting Wilbur at every chance.

"Where's Grian?" Techno asks, cutting off the start of an argument between Tommy and Wilbur.

"I don't know," I reply, turning to look at his empty seat. "I'm pretty much done eating, so I'll go check," I finish. The others nod, going back to their food.

'Did he sleep in? Go off to explore?' I think, as I make my way to his room.

"Grian?" I call, knocking at his door once I arrive. "I'm coming in," I warn before I push the door open, only to find an open window, an empty bed and- no. "Guards!" I run out into the hall.



"Blood?" Techno growls, as I sit, my head in my hands.

"Only a little, but I doubt he left his room willingly if there was blood left behind," Phil replies.

"Who would take him!?" I finally snap, lifting my head to look between them.

"We have a lot of enem-"

"He's a kid!" I yell, interrupting him. He sighs.

"I know, Wil." I stifle a sob as a few tears leak free. "Come here mate," Phil comforts, stepping forward as I do to pull me into his arms.


"He's... gone?" Ranboo whispers.

"How? What happened?" Tubbo demands.

"Sam took a day off, after Phil found Gri- his room empty, except a little blood, Some other guards found Sams replacement knocked out," I explain.



Techno steps into his room, slamming the door behind him. He stands still for a second thinking of his new little brother, before whirling around with a yell of rage punching straight through the wall. He stays there taking in deep ragged breaths until his armour across the room catches his eye.

He will find his little brother.


"I knew it!"


"They shouldn't have just let any-"


"-old guard watch him!"


"I even offer-"

"DREAM!" I finally snap, grabbing either side of his head and pulling it down so we're eye level. "You were busy. Now, are you going to stay here feeling bad about it, or are you going to go find Grian?" Dream stays still for a few seconds, probably from shock, before he straightens, a determined set to his shoulders.

"I'll find him," he promises, going to leave. Just before he does he turns back. "Thanks Gogy."

"Of course," I smile. "Go get him."


Sam stares down at the letter in his hand with a whirl of emotions. Worry, guilt, rage. He crumples the paper and throws it into his fire pit, before reaching for his armour and sword.

He's getting Grian back.


"Wake up!" a gruff voice shouts.

Grian jolts awake blinking crusty eyes open to an ache in his head.

"Wazzit?" he manages, before a hand grabs the front of his shirt to pull him into a sitting position, ropes around his wrists and ankles and his wings tucked into his clothes the only thing that stops him from flailing. He then has a wonderful view up a very hairy nose. He grimaces pulling back a little so he can actually see this persons face.

"Don't worry kid," a man with worryingly bad breath hisses. "Your father will pay us good money to get you back."

"Wha- I don't have a father?" he answers his head spinning, thoughts scattered.

The man snorts. "Sure kid."

"Do you have a doctor?" Grian blurts

"heh? Wimp. We didn't hit you tha-"

"Not for me," Grian starts, cutting the man off, who now just looks confused. "Your breath is way to bad for it to just be morning breath, are you sick? Do you need a doctor?" He throws him to the ground with a snarl at that. "Ow."

"I was gonna bring you something to eat and drink, but I don't think you deserve it after that."

"Ok," Grian replies sitting up with a little struggle to look around the small, dusty, wooden room he's in. No windows and one door. He sighs. If only he had access to fire. "Where are we?"

"None of your business kid. Now stay quiet or I'll come back with a gag," he threatens.

Grian just shrugs as the man leaves and takes a peak through the door the few seconds it's open. All he could see was a wooden wall, maybe it's a hallway? He sighs and falls to lie on his side. This is gonna be boring.


"Royalty?! Why is Grian with royalty?!" Scar yells.

"Sounds just like him actually. Accidentally befriending royalty," Mumbo replies. "I'd be more worried if he was in a normal situation."

Scar pauses, before conceding. "True."

"Let's go find him!"


Next chapter will probably be the last one

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