Introducing: Prose: An Original Series

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What do you get when you put an all-star athlete, a rebellious rocker, an overachieving theatre kid, a big-hearted dummy, an anxious mess, a former alligator hunter, a shy loner, and an ambition-less basketball player, in a room together? The worst speech and debate team in all of Pennsylvania.

Prose follows Mike Larson, a young teacher who just got his first job teaching English at William Henry Harrison High School in Bear Run, Pennsylvania. After discovering that the school doesn't have a speech and debate team, he sets out to start a team of his own. However, Mike finds himself in over his head when some very unexpected students join the team: Lexi and Jax, two overachieving yet friendly theatre kids. Rocky, a sarcastic rocker chick who's never afraid to speak her mind. Chelsea, a friendly athlete trying to boost her college application. Memphis, Chelsea's basketball player boyfriend who's convinced he's the second coming of Lebron James. Connor, a shy loner with a fear of public speaking. Jordan, a lost kid trying to find his place in the world. And Rico, a kid who severely lacks brains, but makes up for it in heart. Mike must find a way to pull these eight very different students together and turn them into Forensics champions. That is, of course, once he teaches them that Forensics is speech and debate, and not the FBI. 

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