Ricardo "Rico" Perez

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Ricardo Perez, who goes by Rico, is a sophomore at William Henry Harrison High School and a member of the Forensics team

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Ricardo Perez, who goes by Rico, is a sophomore at William Henry Harrison High School and a member of the Forensics team. He is also on the basketball team with his two best buds, Jordan and Memphis, and has a girlfriend at the beginning of the series, Amber Nolan. Rico, who confidently named himself Rico Suave, is the absolute life of the party. He is incredibly energetic, optimistic, and friendly, which draws people to him. In short, everyone loves Rico. He is by no means the sharpest knife in the drawer, but what he lacks in brains, he makes up for in heart. He has a talent for making people smile with his infectious positivity, and his killer dance moves. He is the ultimate daredevil and will do pretty much anything with little to no regard for his safety, and says yes to anything someone suggests. In fact, he joined the Forensics team because Jordan asked if he wanted to, and Rico thought it sounded fun. He often struggles with staying concentrated on something for too long, but he is working to get better at it.

Top five songs on his playlist:

Rico Suave by Gerado

Poker Face by Lady Gaga

Party All the Time by Eddie Murphy

All Star by Smash Mouth

Mamma Mia by ABBA

Item he never leaves the house without: a bag of chips

Other talents: playing basketball, playing baseball, roller skating, dancing, making people smile

Guilty pleasure: None. Rico has no shame.

Comfort movie: Saturday Night Fever

What you can find him doing on a Friday night: hanging out with "the boys", playing basketball, playing video games, doing something stupid on a dare

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