Tell me you want me

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Mature sexual content warning!! Thank you so much for reading :)


Bella's POV:

He pauses to pull his t-shirt over his head, tossing it off onto the floor before taking my mouth again with his own. My eager hands grip frantically at his exposed chest, greedy for the searing touch of his skin. A low growl of pleasure erupts from his throat as I rake my fingernails all the way down the sexy V-cut of his abs, the rough feel of his hands digging into my hair making me brave...and beyond turned on.


I start to clumsily unbutton my blouse, my shaky fingers fumbling over the buttons while his lips continue to coax mine open to taste my tongue. He realizes what I'm trying to do and pauses, searching my eyes for a moment to ask permission before helping me finish with the buttons and tossing my blouse over by his shirt.

We continue kissing, groping each other and removing various articles of clothing as we go. He hoists me up onto the counter to have better access to my mouth, drinking me in while we undress. I feel dizzy with excitement and sexual desire, overwhelmed by these new terrifying feelings developing inside of me. It isn't the same as what I feel for Edward but it's addicting nonetheless, helping to dull the aching void that constantly steals my breath.

I'm left in just my plain blue bra and panties, suddenly feeling insecure and nervous but not wanting to stop. Jake senses my hesitation against his lips and gently pulls away, once again searching my face for the answers he'll probably never find.

"Do you want to stop?" His dark eyes hold nothing but concern with a tinge of lust, stroking my cheek with his fingertips while his other hand remains on my waist. "We don't have to do anything, Bells. We can just watch TV or..." I silence him with a kiss, shaking my head and pulling away.

"No, I want to do this, Jacob. I just..." The words catch in my throat and I can feel the floodgate of truth spill out of me. "Edward haunts me, Jake. I don't know how else to describe it. The love we shared, the promises he made me...they haunt me. I can't change that. Not yet, anyway." I gulp, my heart hammering wildly in my chest not only from this confession but also from what I'm about to say next. My constant fear of rejection, despite how much he tells me that he cares about me, tends to overshadow every move I make with him. I don't want that to happen right now.

"But you make me feel alive, Jacob. You make me feel everything. And you save me from myself, every single day. I cannot express what that means to me...what you mean to me. And I want to feel this...all of it."

Jacob's expression changes several different times at my words, so many scattered emotions flittering across the smooth planes of his face in seconds. I can tell that he's deciding what he should say or if he should say anything at all, but the only five words that escape are, "I love you forever, Bella."

And with that he takes my mouth again, picking me up off the counter so that my legs are wrapped around his waist. His lips never leave mine as he carries me up the stairs to my bedroom, lying me down on the purple comforter of my bed and removing my bra and underwear, kissing me along my heated skin as he goes. Once I'm completely naked he finishes undressing himself as well, the vision of him truly breathtaking. With his lean, muscled frame and all 6'7 of him standing there looking at me like that...Jacob Black is truly a sight to behold.

And don't even get me started on the size of his...oh my. How is that supposed to fit inside of me? 

I guess we're about to find out.

His long body slowly climbs over me, his scorching eyes never leaving mine. I feel hot all over and achingly ready, kissing him back fervently when his mouth takes mine once more. At first we just kiss and touch and hold each other, taking our time even though we might not have much time at all.

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