If Charlie wakes up we're both dead

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Mature sexual content warning! Thank you so much for reading! :)


Jacob's POV:

The soft drizzle becomes a torrential downpour by the time we reach my house. With Bella waiting in the truck I quickly grab the bikes from the back of it and store them in my shed, shielding them from the rain before returning to her as fast as I can manage. We rush inside and crack up at how ridiculous we look, both of us soaking wet and very dirty.

"Hey there you two!" My dad greets us both from the kitchen, grinning widely at Bella in the most obvious way possible. "What have you guys been up to all day?" The hidden innuendo (or not so hidden) immediately makes Bella's cheeks flush red and I give my dad a pleading look to please not make this awkward.

"Nothing much, Dad. Just hanging out and showing Bella around the rez. The rain kind of took us by surprise." I turn to Bella and give her a reassuring smile, both of our stomachs loudly growling at nearly exactly the same time out of nowhere. Bella blushes even brighter and we all laugh as I announce, "Okay, definitely time for pizza."


"Is it okay if I take a quick shower?"

Bella's question catches me off guard as we finish cleaning up in the kitchen, alone now that my dad got picked up by Harry Clearwater to go watch some game and drink beer. I try to act nonchalant when I respond with a casual, "Yeah, of course. Let me show you where the towels are." Why do I feel so nervous all of a sudden?

We walk down the hall and I grab her hand out of impulse, breathing a mental sigh of relief that she doesn't pull away or seem to notice my anxiety getting the best of me. I grab her two fluffy towels with my free hand from the hallway cabinet and get her set up in the one small bathroom in my house, feeling grateful that my dad recently had me clean it spotless.

Looking around the plain bathroom, I realize that I've never had a girl in here until right now. Not just my bathroom but in my personal space in general, especially my bedroom.

No girl except Bella.

She smiles shyly at me as I exit the bathroom to give her privacy, making the short walk to my bedroom but leaving my door open. I could really use a shower myself but decide to just change my clothes for now, throwing on some clean boxers and sweatpants but staying shirtless while waiting for Bella to get done. I lounge on my bed with my too-long legs and feet partially hanging off, closing my eyes and laying the back of my head on my hands.

The minutes tick by and I do my best not to think about the fact that Bella Swan is naked in my bathroom. Should I set out some of my clothes for her to change into? Would she wear them? My sisters might have left some clothes behind that I could search for, at least maybe just some old pajamas...I mean, she is sleeping over after all. I want her to be comfortable.

Plus, the outfit she was wearing while we were out definitely got soaked from the rain, just like mine did. So maybe I should set out some of my clean clothes for her, just in case she wants them. And if she sees the clothes and says she'd rather me grab something of Rachel or Rebecca's, I'll go find her whatever makes her happy. With this new decision I quickly lay out a pair of my black sweatpants, a maroon t-shirt and a pair of socks, folding them and placing them on my lounge chair. I know they'll be huge on her, but I have to admit seeing Bella wear my clothes is something I could get used to. But only if she wants to, of course.

Will she want to?

In the middle of my mental dilemma I don't even realize that the shower has turned off and Bella has exited the bathroom, standing right here in my bedroom doorway. She watches me quietly with one towel around her body and the other on top of her head, looking absolutely adorable. Her skin is glistening and her cheeks are flushed, brown eyes first locked on me but then pivoting to the folded clothes I set out for her.

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