So is this forever?

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This will be the conclusion of my Jacob Black and Bella Swan fan fiction! I am so grateful for the support this re-imagined story has received and I deeply apologize that it took me so unbelievably long to finish it. Thank you for reading!!❤️


Jacob's POV:

Bella is fast asleep in my arms, tangled up in my bed that is entirely too small...but I am certainly not complaining about the close proximity to this beautiful girl.

I am feeling nothing if not on top of the world, over the moon, spectacularly elated and fairly confident that I am the happiest person on planet Earth. Bella is my girlfriend, our parents know and above all else, nothing disastrous has happened yet. I mentally cross my fingers, toes and everything in between in hopes that this lucky streak of mine will somehow continue uninterrupted, the thought alone making me pull Bella closer as I breathe in the strawberry scent of her hair.

I love you, Bella.

A moan of pain suddenly erupts from her lips, soft at first but followed by a louder sound of distress. She furrows her eyebrows and the crease in between makes its adorable yet concerning appearance, her once-still frame suddenly tossing and turning. I attempt to soothe her by kissing her forehead and cradling her to my chest, but this doesn't seem to do much. I consider waking her up but fear that will just startle her even more, instead shushing her gently and whispering by her ear. "It's okay, Bells. I'm here. You're safe."

She turns into me, almost shielding herself into my neck and sternum. I relish in her warmth until she cries out again, this time like someone struck her, recoiling her body as if in pain. A sob breaks out and Bella utters two words, at first unclear but then becoming crystal, the agony and desperation shattering any sense of peace I was trying to maintain. I stroke Bella's face and she shudders, several tears escaping her eyelids and trailing down her cheeks. My willpower dissolves and I shake her awake as gently as I can manage, whispering her name several times until her eyes pop wide open in both terror and confusion. She looks at me and wipes at her tear-stained face, grasping her pounding heart through her chest with her hand as a futile attempt to calm it. "Wh-what's going on? Where am I?"

I kiss her forehead and pull my t-shirt over my head, handing it to her to use as a tissue or whatever else she finds it useful for. She smiles gratefully and dries the tears from her face, hesitating momentarily before sighing and using it to wipe her nose as well. My chest tightens and I make a mental note to literally never wash that shirt again...if she gives it back. She does like to wear my clothes.

Because she's my girlfriend.

How lucky am I? I need to make sure I don't lose her. I allow her a second to breathe and give her space, reaching out to stroke her hair and asking her calmly, "Are you okay, Bells?" She nods her head yes but doesn't meet my eyes, instead fiddling with my t-shirt and sniffing quietly.

"I know you're not okay right now, Bella. Can I do anything to make you feel better? Do you want to talk about it?"

"Did I talk in my sleep before you woke me up?" She asks suddenly, like she's reading my mind and knows she spoke out loud. I gulp and contemplate lying but decide against it, knowing that we both need to be fully honest with each other in order for this to work.

"Just two words. You said, 'Don't go.' Then I woke you up because you sounded really upset and I was worried." There's a glimmer of something in her eyes, maybe embarrassment or even just remembering the moment in her dream when she spoke those words.

And maybe thinking about the ghost of a person she spoke them to. Ugh.

"I-I had a dream...about them." She looks away as if ashamed and my chest sinks just at the sight of her sadness.

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