The meadow and some purple punch

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Mature content warning! Thank you so much for reading :)

*I do not condone the actions in this chapter including but not limited to underage drinking*


Bella's POV:

"Bella? Is everything okay?" Charlie's voice takes on the tone of both concern and irritation, probably because it's definitely well past midnight and he is definitely suspicious. I know I have about five seconds before he bursts in so I work quickly, shoving Jacob off my bed and pointing towards the window like my life depends on it.

"Yes, Dad! Just one second!" Jacob's face is contorted in amusement and stifled laughter as he tugs his boxers over his long legs, nearly tripping on his way to the window as he tries to do the same with his shorts. He almost starts to make it out when the sound of the door creaking open alerts us both, sending me into a panic as I somehow manage to come up with the lamest excuse ever to keep Charlie out of my bedroom. "Wait Dad, don't come in! I- I had a nightmare, I'm all sweaty and have to change into new pajamas. I'm not dressed yet!"

Much to my relief, my last sentence does the trick and I hear Charlie immediately blurt out, "Oh, God. Sorry Bells. Just yell if you need me, doesn't matter the time." Then he retreats as quickly as he came, the mortifying thought of walking in on me naked enough to send him running. By the time the door shuts and I turn back around, Jacob has disappeared outside and the room is empty around me. I quietly walk over to the window and can't hold back my grin as I see Jake still standing down in the yard, staring up at me with a mischievous smile of his own.

"Get out of here!" I whisper-shout to him, giggling when he gives me a dramatic pouty lip that makes me want to kiss him again.

"Will you come over after school tomorrow? We can be responsible and do homework if you want." The hopeful tone to his voice makes my chest ache and I resist the urge to wrap my arms around myself.

"Sure, if you're not tired of me yet." I mean it as a joke but Jacob's face transforms into a much more serious expression, sincerity washing over the stark features of his beauty.

"Never." He says firmly, softness in his tone but without waver. Then he blows me a kiss and runs off, turning around once to wave a final goodbye before disappearing into the misty fog of the night.


The grass is soft under my palms, the seclusion of our meadow filling me with a sense of peace. I inhale deeply and turn my face towards the sun, slowly opening my eyes to search for him. It takes only a moment before I see the dazzling sparkle of his skin, the stunning sight of him nearly bringing tears to my eyes. His beige sweater is lying on the grass a few feet from where he stands, leaving him shirtless and exposing his chest to the sunlight. He is a cascading sea of diamonds and perfection, motionless except for the burning thirst in his eyes.


Why hasn't he been feeding? The pitch black of his eyes makes me believe that he has suffered at least a few weeks of starvation. I hate the thought of his throat burning so fiercely and causing him pain.

The ache to touch his skin overcomes me so I reach out, attempting to brace myself to stand up and go over to where he is. However, much to my confusion, I find that I am unable to remove myself from the ground. Although I muster up all of my strength, straining against the invisible barrier pinning me to the grass, I cannot force my limbs where I want them to go no matter how hard I try.

What is this torture?

I look towards Edward helplessly, begging him to use his strength to tear me from the ground and hold me to him. "Edward, please. I can't move. Please come here." His dark eyes are unwavering, as is his body, so I try to call louder this time, my voice panicked and raspy. "Edward, I-I love you! Please, help me. I've missed you so much, it's been so long. I'm so sorry, please just hold me for a while. I can't move! I'm trying but I can't!" I'm openly yelling now, my throat raw and dry.

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