Right where you left me

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Mature content warning including but not limited to graphic sexual content! Thank you so so much for reading :)


Jacob's POV:

Eight days.

It has been eight days since I've seen or talked to Bella.

Eight days since Charlie walked into Jessica Stanley's house and nearly murdered me right there on the spot. He has never, and I mean never, looked at me the way he did as I held up a drunken, stumbling Bella in the middle of the tamest house party in the universe.

Although I did hear the words "grounded for life" at least 50 times from Charlie (between the initial yelling that reached an octave I didn't think he was capable of followed by the awkward car ride in the back of his police cruiser dropping me back off at my house to a very mortified Billy...who had been under the impression that we were out for a dinner and late movie in Port Angeles), I still held out the hope that he would at least let me call Bella. Every time I call their house, however, the only person that answers is a very grumpy Charlie who immediately tells me to stop calling and hangs up. I've apologized a million times but he just keeps saying he needs time, lots of time. I really destroyed our trust without even meaning to and now he's treating me how he used to treat the bloodsucker.

And worst of all, Bella is alone and I really don't know how to fix this.

"Jake!" Embry's voice breaks through my morbid thoughts, along with Quil not far behind him. I try to shake Bella's face from my mind long enough to force a smile and greet them, jogging over to where they're standing not far from my house.

"Hey guys! What's up?" The cracked tone of my voice catches their attention but they must be at least pretending to ignore it, their smiles faltering slightly but remaining firmly intact.

"Come with us to Sam's! Emily is making a huge feast over there. I can smell the muffins from here." Embry rubs his stomach in a hungry gesture and Quil laughs along with him, the offer itself very tempting since I am starving...but I also really want to be home in case Bella calls. I can't admit that to them though or they are never going to let me live it down.

"Nah, I'm okay. I have a lot of homework to do." I look away from their faces so they don't catch me in the lie, but they spot it right away despite my best attempt.

"Oh come on, man. You've been moping around all week. It's not like she'll be grounded forever." Embry winces as Quil smacks his arm, clearly because they must have discussed not bringing Bella up before they came over here. "Sorry man, I'm just saying though. Charlie can be tough but he'll come around."

Finally Quil chimes in, patting me on the shoulder awkwardly in what I think is an attempt to comfort me. "Seriously, Jake. Just give it some time. Charlie will get over it eventually, he totally loves you. Definitely more than he liked the vamp."

"Hey, we're not supposed to bring him up either!" Embry returns Quil's smack to the arm with one of his own, causing the first real smile to cross my face in over a week.

I guess a couple of muffins at Emily's won't hurt, but tonight...I'm going to get my girl.



I know this is a bad idea...but I'm desperate. Hopelessly, painfully desperate.

I have to see Bella.

Which is why I'm currently standing on the ground outside of her bedroom window at 1am, specifically so I could make sure Charlie would definitely be asleep. I know this isn't exactly a great first step in winning his trust back, but I honestly can't think straight without at least checking on her. It's driving me crazy, like actually crazy.

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