I'll wear a helmet if you do

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Mature sexual content warning!! Thank you so much for reading! :)


Jacob's POV:

I am the happiest I have ever been. And if Bella winds up shattering my heart into a million pieces...so be it.

I am dating Bella Swan. Okay, not dating. But hooking up doesn't sound right either due to the fact that I'm madly in love with her and want her love in return. But I don't want to rush her, don't want to push her too far...especially since we both recently lost our virginities.

I had actual mind-blowing sex with my dream girl. More than once!

Actually, now that I think about it, calling her my dream girl is almost insulting. She is far better than anything my imagination could have ever came up with.

The bloodsucker left her broken, alone, with no protection. All of the bloodsuckers left her behind, in fact, even the tiny one with the pixie cut that she's obsessed with. I cannot imagine having Bella in my life and ever being able to remove her from it willingly, but I guess that's just another thing I don't have in common with the vamps.

The rumbling sound of the truck alerts me that Bella has arrived at my place, the thought of seeing her face immediately making my chest tight. I rush outside to greet her and she immediately bursts into a smile, looking at me like I'm her favorite person in the world.

If only that were actually true...but I can daydream for now.

"Hi, Bells!" She's dressed in a blue jacket and jeans with her converse, looking so damn adorable that I really want to kiss her. But I honestly don't know if we're on "kiss when we greet" terms yet...especially since no one knows we've significantly blurred the lines of our friendship.

"Hi, Jake! Long time no see." She jokes and I take the easy route, wrapping her up in a big bear hug and swinging her around. I left her house late last night and yet here she is, back to see me again. Am I the luckiest guy in the world or what?

That bloodsucker really was a dumbass for leaving this beauty behind.

I place Bella on her feet but catch her hand before she walks off, holding it in mine as we walk up towards my house. She is soft and warm, her fingers so tiny when interloped with my own.

"So what are we doing today, beautiful?"


"I'll wear a helmet if you do." The petulant tone to Bella's voice makes me chuckle as I strap the helmet onto her head.

"Honey, I don't need a helmet, trust me. You are much more breakable than I am."

"Sure, sure." She sticks her tongue out at me but doesn't protest any further, looking up at me through her long lashes. For a moment I'm lost in the chocolate brown of her eyes, mesmerized by the curve of her jaw and the rosy flush of her skin. Does she have any idea how pretty she is?

We walk over towards Bella's newest fascination, the motorcycles we currently have lined up along the secluded dirt road. I'm not exactly sure when or why my girl became such an adrenaline junkie, but I know her well enough to know that it has something to do with the bloodsucker.

I attempt to suppress that depressing thought as I help Bella onto her bike and get her settled, reminding her how to work everything. "Remember, don't go too fast, Bells. We don't need any broken bones. Take it slow." She nods and in a brief moment of bravery I kiss the top of her head before allowing her some space, backing up but making sure to stand fairly close in case she falls over.

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