Part 4

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Jungkook Pov
I woke up feeling sad. I've been here for a couple months. I fell for Yoongi and ik he doesn't love me. I hate sleeping alone I keep wishing he was holding me and giving me kisses. I also miss Jin. After a bit I got changed and went downstairs and saw Yoongi in the living room.

Yoon:Are you trying to look cute on purpose

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Yoon:Are you trying to look cute on purpose

Yoon:Are you trying to look cute on purpose

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I giggled and my face got red. He patted the couch and I sat next to him.
Yoon:So are you gay
Y..Yeah how about you
Yoon:I'm bi
Oh can Jin come over
Yoon:As long as he doesn't bother me
Really yay. I hugged him and ran upstairs and called Jin.
Me:Can come over
Jin:Sure is Yoongi happy
He said as long as you don't bother him
He hung up and after a bit Jin came over and we went to my room.

Jin:So how is being hereGood he is really nice and handsome and sweetJin:You love him don't you W

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Jin:So how is being here
Good he is really nice and handsome and sweet
Jin:You love him don't you
W...Well yes but he doesn't love me and ik you said I shouldn't but
Jin:Aish I don't care about that yes I still don't trust him but he's treating you well and I'm sure he loves you too
Ok. We played some Minecraft and after a bit I heard someone call me.
Yoon: Jungkook
Huh. I got up and went outside my room.
Yoon:I forgot a towel can you get one
Oh ok. I went to a different room and got a towel and placed it by the door. And before I could leave he pinned me to the bathroom door.
I...I gave you the towel already what do you want
W..What do you mean
Yoon:You know damn well what I mean
I got some confidence and I kissed him and he pulled me closer to him and the kiss got deeper. My face got red and I looked away.
Yoon:Why so shy
Well you only have a towel on
Yoon:So everything is covered isn't it
Y..Yes but your naked and it makes me think something.
Yoon:Your naked under your clothes aren't you
W..Well yes but if you don't need anything I'll go. I opened the door but he slammed it and locked it.
Yoon:Who said you could leave
Jin's here do you want to fuck me or something
Yoon:Your giving me ideas
He kissed me and I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back and he put his hand under my shirt and it got really deep.
Jin:Yah what are you doing... Wait are you guys hell no nope I'm leaving
My face got red and I looked away.
Yoon:Go to your room and I'll get changed ok
I nodded and ran out of the bathroom and went in my room and squeeled. Was he going to fuck me. After a bit he came in my room and locked the door.
Yoon: Jin's not here we have alone time
He smirked and went next to me.
D..Did you really want to fuck me
Yoon: If you wanted to
Can you kiss me again. He smirked and kissed me deeply and I wrapped my arms around his neck and it got deeper. He put his hand under my shirt and squeezed my waist pulling me closer to him. He put his tongue in exploring all of my mouth and I moaned a little and the kiss got deeper and a little rough. He stopped kissing me and he hovered over me and started kissing and leaving marks on my neck and I started to moan.
Yoon:So pretty
It feels good more. He kissed all over my neck and took off our clothes.
Daddy please fuck me
Yoon:I will alright you don't be walking for months when I'm done with you
He left marks all over me.

(Just pretend not Taekook ok lol)

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