Part 6

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Yoongi Pov
I woke up feeling a angel in my arms. I'm really happy he's mine he is so sweet and cute. And he doesn't have to worry about any mafia stuff anymore he can do whatever he wants now. I'm definitely not letting him go anytime soon. After a bit I got changed and went downstairs.

I started cooking and Hoseok came downstairs

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I started cooking and Hoseok came downstairs.

Hope:You know when you fuck you could tell us so we can leaveLike your one to talk to fuck right on the couch with people home at least I'm in my room Hope:You fucked him 3 months ago and he still can't even standSo Hope:You are crazyIt's not my f...

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Hope:You know when you fuck you could tell us so we can leave
Like your one to talk to fuck right on the couch with people home at least I'm in my room
Hope:You fucked him 3 months ago and he still can't even stand
Hope:You are crazy
It's not my fault he begged me to. I made some eggs and bacon and I went upstairs and I heard a loud noise. I went in our room and he was on the floor.
Why are you on the floor
Kook:I..I tried to change on my own and
You still can't remember you can't walk
He turned away with his face red and I picked him up.
Cute I'll help you. I put him on the bed and I put my shirt on him.

There happy now

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There happy now. He nodded and looked down pouting.
Why are you pouting. He crossed his arms and huffed.
Baby. I put him on the bed and pushed his chin up to face me.
I don't like it when you don't answer me
Kook:I heard you
Kook:Y...You and Hobi about me
Oh about me fucking you
His face got red and he looked away from me.
Don't be shy they fuck all the time at least we were in my room
Cute. I sat down and pulled him on my lap.
What do you want to do today
Kook:I want snuggles oh can we go to the beach later
Sure and snuggles you will get. I held him tightly and lightly kissed his head.
I'm happy your mine
Kook:Me too Yoongi idk why people think your cold or mean
Well I keep my private life and work separate
Kook:Ik I don't think you are mean
I would never want you to I can be cold but I love you
Kook:Ik you do I love you too
I kissed him and he giggled.
You are really adorable
He winked and giggled and I booped his nose.
You look like a bunny
Kook:No I'm not
Yes you are
Kook:I'm your bunny
Of course
Kook:Can we go to the beach
Sure. After a bit we left and I put him in the car and I went in and drove to the beach. I got out and picked him up and we went to the ocean and sat on the sand.
Do you like it
Kook:I love it
Good. He snuggled into my chest and I pestered him with kisses.
Kook:I wish I could walk I want to go in the ocean
You want to go in the water. I picked him up and threw him in.
What you wanted to go in the ocean
Kook:You little
He splashed me and I chuckled.
Your cute. I sat on the sand near him and watched him splash around in the water like a kid. After a while I noticed him wanting to get out.
Do you want to get out
Kook:I don't need help I can do it
He tried to get out but fell face first in the water.
Still don't need help
He turned his head and huffed pouting. I went and picked him up.
Your hair is all wet now
Kook:It's your fault
How is it my fault you keep forgetting you can't walk
Kook:But you made me not walk
You begged me for it
Kook:I...It's still your fault
I got the towel I brought for him just in case and I dried his hair. And I took his shirt off and put on another one of mine.

Now you are dry and you can stop pouting like a baby Kook:Rude  I kissed him deeply and he giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck and I pulled him closer to me and made it deeper

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Now you are dry and you can stop pouting like a baby
I kissed him deeply and he giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck and I pulled him closer to me and made it deeper.
It's not my fault you fell for me first you know
Kook:H..How do you know that you could of too
I could tell from the first time you looked at me
I gave him a little peck and his face got red.
Kook: When did you fall for me
Why do you ask
Kook:You know when I did so
When I knew you fell for me. He snuggled into my arms and I lightly rubbed his back. After a bit it got late and I picked him up and we went to the car.
Kook:Do you want to watch the stars with me
You want to why
Kook:I like it
Sure for you. We went to the trunk and got in and closed the door. It had a sunroof and a glass window on the door and could fit at least 3 people. We layed down and he snuggled into my chest.
Why do you always insist on laying on me there's plenty of room
Kook:I like it your so rude
I am huh you know I love you. I pulled him closer to me and kissed him deeply.
Kook:I know I love you too
I'll do anything for you Baby Boy. I lightly stroked his cheek and he giggled.
Kook:I know
Snuggle and lay on me all you want. We watched the stars and after a while he fell asleep on my chest.

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