Part 2

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Jungkook Pov
I've been thinking about what Yoongi said for a week and I want to maybe he just wants to talk to me or something. I got changed and went downstairs.

I went in the kitchen and ate some ramen and went back upstairs

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I went in the kitchen and ate some ramen and went back upstairs. I stared at my phone for a hour maybe and then I finally called him. I called him twice and he didn't answer so I called a 3rd time.
I panicked and almost hung up but didn't
Yoon:Oh Jungkook
Yoon:I see you took up on it
Yeah why do you want me to join
Yoon:To teach you how to be a better Mafia boss
Yoon:Meet me at the restaurant yesterday
Ok I. He hung up and I bit my nail immediately regretting it. I don't want to become better I don't want to be one at all I want to be normal. After a bit i went to the restaurant and I was going to go in and I heard someone call me.
Yoon: Jungkook
I turned and saw Yoongi in a car.


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Huh. He waved me over and I went to the car and he unlocked it.
Yoon:Are you getting in or what
I got in and looked away shyly.
S..So you want me to become better
Yoon:Yes can you fight
Yeah but I never fought before my dad forced me to learn
Yoon:I'll teach you tomorrow
Ok. I looked out the window pouting. I really didn't want to but for some reason I really like Yoongi and I don't want to leave him. After a bit we got to Yoongi's house and it was like a mansion.
Wow it's so big
We went in and I looked around.
Yoon:Do you want to sleep with me or on your own
H..Huh what do you mean s..sleep with you
Yoon:Sleep next to me
I...Ig my room. For some reason I really wanted to sleep next to him but I don't want to annoy him.
Yoon:Ok pick your room
My face got red and I quickly ran upstairs. I picked a room in the far right and got my journal out. I always bring it with me everywhere I go and I started writing about him. After a bit I heard a knock and quickly closed my journal.

Tae: Jungkook right dinner is readyOk

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Tae: Jungkook right dinner is ready
Ok. I went downstairs and in the kitchen and sat down and we started eating.
W..Why is everyone looking at me
Yoon:They don't know you I'll introduce you tomorrow
Ok. After a bit we were done eating and I went to my room and wrote in my journal some more and hid it under the mattress and I went to sleep excited.

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