Part 13

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Jungkook Pov
I woke up not feeling anyone holding me. He's been kinds distant from me I don't know why or what I did wrong. He is in his office a lot and doesn't want anyone in it. He also wakes up really early and goes to bed really late and he doesn't give me any snuggles anymore. After a bit I got changed and went downstairs.

I went in the kitchen and saw Jimin

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I went in the kitchen and saw Jimin.

Jimin:Oh hi Kook did you sleep wellI guessJimin:What's wrongHe wasn't there like alwaysJimin:Oh I sat down and he made food and we ate

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Jimin:Oh hi Kook did you sleep well
I guess
Jimin:What's wrong
He wasn't there like always
I sat down and he made food and we ate.
Oh um is Yoongi ok
He just never spends time with me anymore he gets up really early and goes to sleep really late and he's always in his office
Is he mad at me
Jimin:Oh no I'm sure he's just really busy and maybe stressed right now
Oh ok
Jimin: Maybe go in his office later
I will. After a bit I went to the living room and started to watch TV. A couple hours later I went upstairs and went to his office and saw him.

Hi YoongiYoon:Huh Are you ok Yoon:Yeah whyI

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Hi Yoongi
Are you ok
Yoon:Yeah why
I...I was just wondering
He went back to his work and seemed to ignore me.
O...Ok I'll just um go. I left and closed the door and pouted.
Is he mad at me no maybe he's just busy.
Jimin:Are you ok
I guess he's either mad at me or busy
Jimin:I know he's not mad at you he's probably overworking himself again
Oh your right. After a bit I went to the kitchen and baked some cookies. I went to his office and knocked and went in.
Oh well I made you some cookies
Yoon:Oh thanks
Your welcome. I was going to leave but he pulled me on his lap and wrapped his arms around me.
Yoon:Much better
I giggled and snuggled into his arms.
Yoon:I'm sorry Angel
For what
Yoon: I've been really busy and leaving you alone
It's ok Yoongi
Yoon:I love you so much Baby Boy
I love you too
Yoon: Did sleep well
I guess you weren't there
Yoon:Im sorry Love
So what are you doing
Yoon:Stupid paperwork you should of stayed earlier
I didn't want to bother you and I thought you were mad at me
Yoon:No Baby Boy I'm sorry I've just been busy
It's ok I just want snuggles. He got up with me in his arms.
Yoon:What you wanted snuggles
But weren't you busy
Yoon:You are more important
He took me to our room and he put me on the bed and in his arms. 
Are you taking a break
Yoon:Yes I need one anyway and I can't have you sad wanting me
He kissed me and I kissed back giggling.
I love kisses
Yoon:I know you do I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you sad and think I was mad
It's ok Yoongi you were over working but now the only work your going to do is giving me snuggles and kisses
Yoon:I'll always give you kisses
He kissed me deeply and I giggled and kissed back and it got deeper.
Yoon:I missed your tasty lips
My face got a little red and I looked away.
Yoon:I love you so much
I love you too. I snuggled into his chest and fell asleep feeling warm and safe.

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