Part 15

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Yoongi Pov
I woke up feeling lonely and felt no one next to me. Ugh why did he have to leave. I sat up and stretched and looked around. I'm so excited we will be getting married later on with Namjoon,.Hoseok, and Jin we will go wedding shopping. Jin finally trusts me and knows I'm not as cold as he thought I was we are actually friends now.
After a while I changed and freshened up and went downstairs.

I looked around and I didn't see him

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I looked around and I didn't see him.
Huh Baby where are you. I looked around some more and still didn't see him.
Baby where did you. A suddenly felt someone jump on me.
Yah. He got down and giggled.  I turned and pulled him close to me.

You littleKook:Did I scare youNope Kook:It looked like I did Nope you didn't scare me

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You little
Kook:Did I scare you
Kook:It looked like I did
Nope you didn't scare me. He crossed his arms and pouted.
Why are you pouting for
Kook:I didn't scare you
Maybe next time. He turned his head still pouting.
Kook:You didn't kiss me yet
I didn't kiss you for 2 minutes
I cupped his face and kissed him deeply.
Better now. He nodded and giggled.
You know I don't like it when you don't answer me
Kook:Of course I love kisses
I know you do. We went in the kitchen and I made some eggs and bacon and we ate and I fed him.
You always make me feed you
Kook:I love it
Don't worry I'll feed you forever. After a bit we went in the living room and he snuggled into my arms.
You really cuddle every time I sit down after 2 seconds
Kook;I love cuddles and your warm
I'll always cuddle you don't worry Love. I kissed his head and he giggled. After a bit Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin came and we left.

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We went to the cake store and we looked around mostly he did and I was just bored

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We went to the cake store and we looked around mostly he did and I was just bored.
This is boring
Hope:What it's cake shopping
I know but why are they all white for why not black or red or something
Hope:You can ask for a black cake
But why are they always white
Hope:I don't know
We picked out a cake and told them to make it black.
Kook:You want a black one
White is boring and annoying
Kook:I don't mind Yoongi as long as it's yummy
We went to other stories and we went to a wedding outfit shop.
Ugh so much white for what
Jin:Stop complaining you grumpy
He ran and looked at everything and he looked really happy and excited and I just watched him.
Jin:You really are in love
Jin:The way you look at him is cute you give him heart eyes
Well I do love him
Jin:I can tell
He is so happy I love it
Jin:He is
Kook:Oooo I want to try this one
Whatever you want Love. He left and went in the changing room and after a bit he came out looking like a angel.

I suddenly don't mind white anymoreJin:Of course you don't if it's him ShushKook:Do you like itYou look like a angel Kook:Your turnOk ok idk ig that oneKook:Yoongi don't just pick a random one pick one you like Ok ok

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I suddenly don't mind white anymore
Jin:Of course you don't if it's him
Kook:Do you like it
You look like a angel
Kook:Your turn
Ok ok idk ig that one
Kook:Yoongi don't just pick a random one pick one you like
Ok ok. I looked around for a while and found a black one. I went in the changing room and got changed.

Joon:Oh you look niceKook: You look handsomeHis face got red and he looked down

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Joon:Oh you look nice
Kook: You look handsome
His face got red and he looked down.
And you look beautiful. We payed and left.
Kook:Is going wedding shopping fun now
Yes especially that beautiful outfit you got
Kook:I like yours too
I just enjoyed your cute excited face
Kook:It was fun and I see your not grumpy anymore about the colors
Well there was too much white it was blinding
Kook:Will I blind you at the wedding
With beauty
Jin:Stop your gonna make me throw up
I'm going to throw up at your annoying face
Jin:You mean beautiful
No annoying
Jin:Your just jealous you can't achieve this level of beauty
He already achieved way above that
Jin:I'm talking about you we all know he's beautiful but I'm talking about you
Please you think too highly of yourself
Jin;It's not my fault I was born this beautiful
It's not my fault you were born annoying
Joon:Aish stop bickering and let's go
We went in the car and I pulled him close to me and he fell asleep on my shoulder on the way back home.

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