The media nightmare

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Alison hoped that Holly would give them no more bother. Even though she had quite enjoyed the awards ceremony, by the end of the evening, It had still been tainted with the memory of the confrontation of Paul’s ex wife, and her continued bitterness against him.

The event had also put Paul in a slight downer as well. He was still angry with Holly for trying to spoil his night.. Why couldn’t she just get on with her life now and leave him alone. But deep down he knew why, even after all that happened she was still filled with resentment that he was more popular in the public eye, than she ever was.

Paul found it all a little ironic when he considered he no longer give a damn about being popular with the public anymore, he just wanted a quiet life, and settle down with Alison That was where he knew his happiness lay.

He was trying to show this to Alison, but his past seem to be determined to keep getting in the way, leaving him feeling frustrated.

He was beginning to realise things were never going to be that simple.

He tried to glean comfort from the fact, that at least those who had gotten to know Alison better in the last few weeks, had come to the same conclusion as himself, that she was a great girl, and a good influence over him, even his father was softening towards her, now he had met her a few times more, he and Alison seem to get on like a house on fire.

His Mother had taken to her immediately, and now treated her like she was one of her own daughters. Something Paul knew, Alison really appreciated now she had no real family of her own.

But  there was still the problem of his celebrity status hanging over him, and when Holly give birth to a baby boy a week later, the media attention became focused back on him again, and  also Alison.

There was much speculation in celebrity gossip magazines about Paul’s little Irish girlfriend and her new role in his life. Claims that she would be jealous of Holly and the new born child started to circulate. Would Paul stay with his new girlfriend now his ex wife had given birth, and he was a father.. Would this perhaps reunite them.

Paul had no doubt in his mind that Holly was helping to fuel these stories. It kept the media attention her. The money she was getting for the magazine interviews was probably a pretty penny as well, plus she knew these stories would anger and annoy him.

At first he and Alison did their best to ignore the stories and keep a low profile, but then it started to get even more personal.

 The tabloids joining in, printind details about where Alison lived in Ireland, even getting a sly dig about her job with the headlines such as ‘Celebrity Chef Paul Moratti, is baking buns with his his latest love” referring to the fact of her working in a bakery, and how she was little Miss nobody from nowhere, who had landed on her feet with her beguiling Irish charm and work her way into Paul’s heart, and his pocket.

Alison had tried to brace herself for all this happening to her, and tried to put on a brave face. But Paul knew that she was upset and hurt by the stories and the rumours and the gossip, with  the paparazzi  suddenly were taking an interest in her, and intruding into her personal life.

And now he was riddled with guilt, because it was partly his fault all this was happening to her. He realised the media were not just going to go away because he wanted them too.

He had courted and encouraged them in the past, now they thought they still had the right to judge him and his relationships whether he wanted it or not.

Now, the latest claims going around were once more based on speculation, rumours and half truths.

The only truthful part was Paul showing a lack of interest in his new son, but the blame was going on Alison who was being portayed as a bitch. She was supposedly delivering ultimatums that she would leave him, if he had anything to do with Holly and the child.

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