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Me and my colleague were returning back at 2 am from our meeting which was held in a different city. He said that he'll drive and I was okay with it, I sat on the left seat and adjusted the window to let some chill air pass in meanwhile he played some Kishore Kumar songs in the car, after such a hectic day it was like therapy to my tired soul. He suddenly stopped the car on the bridge, I blurted out in a worried tone "umm what was that?". He spoke quite low "Wait lemme check if it's a puncture". He asked me to move out of the car while I was looking around until he asked me to show the flash of my phone to help him fix it. "The tyre is punctured and I don't have an extra tyre at this moment" he said with a heavy sigh. I placed my hand on his left shoulder and comforted him by saying "It's okay we'll call some mechanic nearby". He nodded and pulled his phone out of the coat and dialed the mechanic, and started scrolling to see if there's a garage nearby but found no positive results. "There's no garage nearby and the mechanic isn't picking up the call so we'll have to wait here until dawn" he said patiently. I agreed to it as we have no option other than waiting. We sat near the edge of the bridge, the wind was chill and I could feel the silence in this air. He broke the silence with "You like Kishore Da too?". I smiled, then replied with "Yes a lot". "And what about Rafi sahab" he blurted out. "Well my mom is a big fan of Rafi sahab so she made me listen to his songs and I eventually fell in love with the 90s bollywood" I said that in one breath. "What about our boss? Do you like him too? I mean he looks pretty interested in you" he said in a baffled tone. I boldy spoke up "Obviously I don't, he's just nice to me but I've seen him being rude with the remaining staff". Again there was silence in the air but this time I spoke up "So you're turning 27 next year, what about marriage uhuh?" I said teasingly. At first he started staring me then shifted his glance towards the gentle flow of the river and replied with "Uh I don't know,..my parents... they tell me about a new girl everyday but none look attractive to me in terms of marriage you know,...what about you tho?". "Uhh I don't know either, my parents, they told me that I'm free to choose the person I wanna spend my entire life with but I'm unable to find one" I said very patiently. He glanced at his watch "It's 3:30 we may get out of here real quick, umm would you like some tea at my place? Also we can binge watch some 90s bollywood movie if you're coming". "Well that sounds interesting, I'm in only if we can watch DDLJ" I said in a bold yet teasing way. He laughed and said "Ah okay typical Sharukh fan I see".

>> PS: made some grammatical changes but no changes in the plot.
Also don't forget to vote for it if you like it, there might be a part 2 soon. :)))

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