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I reached home and decided to call my old school friends for the new year meetup. Disha picked up my call and told me to keep checking our whatsapp group for updates since few of them are still busy with their work. Disha started telling me how romantic his boyfriend is and I agreed to everything she said. Suddenly she asked me if I'm seeing someone at work, at first I thought about Sid but then I obviously said "No" after the way things ended between us although we weren't in a relationship. I've come here to just relax a bit and ask Ivaan out. Disha was about to hung up but I interrupted "Is Ivaan coming for the new year party?". Disha paused for a minute and replied "mmm... Ivaan huh" and started playfully teasing me until I said "Eh don't get the wrong intention, you know right that we never talked although we were in the same school so I just..." Disha interrupted me "He'll be coming dude and he's single rn I know you didn't ask for it but lemme say this, if you like him....". I interrupted her "Brooo...". Disha replied with "accha chal ok" and we hung up. For a week I chilled at home, went for shopping with Disha, spent time with my family, I completely forgot about Sid's existence for a few days until Sid texted me "Hey, I'm sorry I overreacted that day, your feelings are valid, I was too lost in my own sorrows. Happy new year in advance <3". I was really confused but that's what I'd wanted, things to get better between us, I tried my best and now he's trying too so I replied him with "Hi Sid, it's okay let's forget all of this. Happy new beginning <3". He saw my text and went offline. I kept my phone aside to get ready for the new year party.

Ivaan dropped a text at 9:04am "Cya at 7pm today in the club". I got really excited because I low-key had a crush on him but couldn't confess. I stalked his instagram posts and could guess that his favourite colour is navy blue so I wore a navy blue outfit. I reached the club, my friends properly introduced me to him although we had our numbers saved ( source: from the existing friends gc), then they left us all alone at the drinks counter. They started dancing with their partners on the song that was being played and that was one of my favourites.
He offered me a drink to break the awkward silence between us. I denied since I don't drink, I thought he'll react in a disgusted fashion but instead he replied with "Wow I don't drink too and frankly speaking I hate this loud romantic music", I couldn't help but agree to it.
I asked him out for a late night walk if it's okay since our friends are already dancing with their partners. He agreed to it and we moved out of the club. 11:30pm,empty December streets,chill wind and we walking together with a fair distance between us. That old school lover in my head spoke up "It's a perfect time tell him what you feel about him". Before I could confess he spoke up "You really look gorgeous in navy blue", he caught me blushing and giggled. I couldn't reply to it because I literally am so shy and dumb obviously. He broke the silence again and asked me about my favourite food. I replied with 'Biryani'. He started gazing me and replied in a surprised tone "Oh! I love biryani too" and we started smiling again, but this time it was mutual. After talking for a while we reached a dhaba, we were hungry so Ivaan asked me if I wanted to taste chole bhature as it's famous here. I agreed, we sat on cots (charpai) while eating. A wooden plank was placed across the width of the cot on which the dishes were placed. There were a lot of traditional couples sitting there smiling at each other while talking something in their traditional language. There was a guy sitting on the opposite side who had a guitar, I forced Ivaan to play guitar for me as I knew he was good at it since we were in school, he started singing "gulabi aakhein" while looking at me, the ambience was intense as well as romantic. After sometime we moved out of the dhaba, Ivaan had his car parked near the dhaba so he drived until we reached home. We were sitting in the car facing each other after he parked his car infront of my house, I was completely speechless at that moment after recalling what we had starting from the talks in the dhaba to me forcing him to play guitar for me, we exchanged glances. He caught me smiling and started teasing me with his cute little smirk. I wanted to hold hands and probably hug him tight and I could sense that he too wanted to press his lips against mine but we were too shy to pull that off, so, I tried to initiate a handshake to which he smiled at first and then clasped my fingers with his gently yet firmly. Alas we couldn't help but giggle while looking at each other, the moment froze, our fingers denying to part ways, but then suddenly a car passed nearby pressing it's horn so loud to ruin our moment and I had to bid him farewell, he was still looking at me with those puppy eyes like he wants to stop, get out of the car and hug me but he replied with "a very happy new year, bye cya soon". It was 12:00am already, in the car, but we didn't realise until then, I wished him and got inside my house. I slept peacefully after a long time.

[PS: I hope y'all liked this climax, well there's still more to it, but tell me in the comments how y'all feel about Sid??? Or y'all like Ivaan and Priya getting close to each other??? Whom will Priya choose??? Is Ivaan really interested in Priya??? Will Disha play any important role in Priya's love life or her part is over here???]

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