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What we fear the most comes upon us, I really felt bad for reacting that way but I can't change the fact that I don't feel the same way about him. I know he might be thinking that I'm a liar who played him by the subtle flirting, I wanted to tell him about Ivaan but I was waiting for the correct time, we got close within the last few days but still he wasn't that close to me for me to reveal things about my personal life. I inquired about Sid next day in our office and got to know that he took leave for a day. As a friend I was really worried about him, I was assuming if he would even talk to me after the way I rejected him, yet I know he isn't a kid but I didn't wanted things to end like this. I wanted to sort the mess I'd created without hurting him again and tell him things to get this feeling off my chest. So I took half day leave and went to Sid's house, to my surprise he wasn't there, I was confused because I had no idea where he might have disappeared, at first I was planning to wait outside until he arrives but then something struck me, I sat on my scooty and drove the whole town to find him and suddenly I saw him sitting near the bridge, yes the bridge where our conversation started. He was looking down at the flow of the river, I sat near him, he saw me but didn't react, he looked very upset yet angry, I'm sure he wanted to ask me certain things so I started talking, "I don't know how to put this but I'm sorry I was very rude to you the previous day, I didn't mean to hurt you I'd no idea that you will say something like that all of a sudden I panicked and overreacted", he was still looking at the river, "hey please say something", he was still silent with absolutely no reaction on his face. Finally I held his hand and surprisingly he flinched, I could feel his disappointment obviously he was sad, I spoke slowly "His name is Ivaan.... yeah I.... like him since we were in school... but we aren't in a relationship...,also I didn't lie to you about not finding the one, I'm really sorry for not telling you this earlier, I already felt like you liked me but I kinda completely ignored it.........., can we be good friends again?". He turned and look me in the eye without any emotion and said "I know I'm not good with expressing but it's so easy for girls to give hints at first and then completely ignore it and say that they like someone else, isn't it?". "What hints are you talking about Sid I already made it clear that we are just friends" I spoke in a friendly tone "Oh c'mon this isn't going right, I was confused about you so I needed time to figure this out, well now it's totally upto you if you really want to be friends with me and sort things out or avoid me by taking leaves". I didn't wait for an answer and left.

(PS: I hate to write about heartbreaks specifically theirs ahh I low-key want them to be together but let's see if things get better between Priya and Sid, and let's see if Priya figures this out, if Sid moves on or leaves this job and city, and if Ivaan unfolds new things in the story ahead. It's gonna be interesting now so hold on...)

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