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I woke up with a smile on my face after recalling what had happened yesterday, I thought that I'll have to propose him first but it was really impressive of him to do it, in front of my mom on my birthday. I was kinda overwhelmed, I checked my phone to see a good morning text from Sid as usual, the way he tries to make my day better by doing those little things for me >>>>>> . Now I see why I'd never felt the same way with other guys I've ever met not even Ivaan, they never tried to communicate, Sid was always by my side on my highs and on my lows without even asking for it, he cares about me, he makes effort, he communicates. That makes him even more attractive apart from his light brown eyes and charming smile. I was grateful for having him in my life, I realised that it's already 8 am, I got out of my bed to see mumma at my door holding two cups. She sat near me, I expected her to say something about last night but instead she told me that I'm getting late for work, she's the strongest person I've ever met in my life, she's my idol, the way she cares about everyone and her dedication towards her profession makes me love her even more. I'd hug her before leaving until I saw Sid standing on my door, he told me that he'll drop me, mumma nodded. Today he didn't play any music in the car, I was a bit surprised with this sudden change but then he held my hand while the other on the steering wheel. I smiled, silence filled in the car until Sid spoke up "I've planned something for us, like I know there's been a lot of fights and misunderstandings earlier so to make up for it I've planned something in my house, I'll pick you up after office and then you'll know". I closed the door and he left without even waving back. I don't know why I felt like something has changed, he was very formal when he said that but maybe I've started expecting a lot from him or maybe I'm thinking too much. I let that thought out and went inside. My colleague Sahil asked me if I wanted to go for coffee, I could see hints, whenever I'm around, he's always trying to show off or be nice around me, I couldn't say if he was asking for a date but I denied since I already have plans and now I'm in a relationship. I was done with my work, I waited for Sid for almost an hour he didn't arrive, I called him several times but he didn't answer. Sahil stopped nearby and asked me if he could drop me, it was already very late and I'd no other option than going with Sahil rather than waiting for Sid. I was low-key disappointed with this but I was worried about Sid because he seemed very off since morning yet I didn't bother to ask. I nodded, Sahil helped me open the door, he started the car, I was still calling Sid but as usual no response, Sahil asked me my address, I told him to drop me near Sid's house. I waved him bye with a thanks, I texted mom first that I'll be late since I'm with Sid, I know I lied but eventually I'll be with Sid after a few minutes. His door was open, I was perplexed, the house seemed empty, I switched on the lights, I headed towards Sid's room but he wasn't there, I saw his phone on the table which was on silent mode. Now this worried me because Sid never leaves his phone and house this way. I could hear something behind the bathroom door. I knocked twice, he didn't open it, I pushed the door slightly to realize that it wasn't locked, Sid was sitting on the floor, like he was done throwing up in the basin. I helped him stand and asked him if he's done, he washed his face and I helped him to his room. He layed on his bed, his cheeks had gone red, he looked sick and exhausted, I asked him if he called the doctor, he told me that he felt uneasy at office so he took half day leave, he reached home to realise that he has fever, it grew sick near his stomach and he was in the washroom for about an hour. He apologized for not being able to communicate me although he was sick, I was disappointed with my assumptions lately but I was glad that I reached here on time. I gave him meds and he kinda dozed off holding my hand tightly. I realised that it's been almost 11pm and I told mom that I'll be late but now it's too late, I freaked out when I saw 19 missed calls from mom. I called her back, she was clearly mad at me, I told her about Sid, she asked me to reach home as soon as possible without speaking another word. Sid wasn't letting my hand go off but I had to go without waking him. I left a note before leaving. I took Sid's scooty, reached home to see mom standing near the window, she was clearly unhappy with me not informing her clearly about everything. I went inside and tried to explain her everything, she had no expression on her face, clearly she was mad as she went inside her room without uttering a word. I sat on the sofa low-key worrying about Sid because he's all alone in his house and sick. Also mom's mad at me, I've to convince her tomorrow, I slept.

I woke up, couldn't find mom, "I'm sure she's still mad" I spoke to myself. It's Sunday, I dressed up and drove to Sid's house. Sid opened the door, he looked much better than before, I touched his forehead to realise that his fever is almost gone. He opened the door and welcomed me in, he told me how mom came to his house in the morning to check upon him. I was surprised, yet I was happy to know that she helped him. I gave Sid his scooty keys back meanwhile he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him, I almost forgot how to breathe. I could feel his eyes meeting mine, his grip on my waist becoming strong, he leaned in for a kiss, it was gentle, our first kiss. He released the grip, while holding my hand and asking me if I had breakfast. I got a scolding for not having it at first but then we had breakfast together. I could feel the calm yet romantic ambience. I could see our relationship growing, us growing together and becoming better. I spent my Sunday with him and it was worth it. We'd cuddle the whole day watching movies, playing video games, talking about random things, him showing me his childhood photo album, he was always this cute. I would die for his alluring smile, it casted some heavenly spell on me, with him the time slowed down. My day was made.

PS : I'm already sorry for the cringe. *pastes clown emoji*
Well what do you like about them? Are they compatible? And how supportive Priya's mom is about their relationship? That it feels like a fairytale, not every story has a happy ending this might have one. They enjoy each other's company more than anything else.

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