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I was sitting there for a while and then I went home. I tried to convince myself that I should act like a mature man and move on since this wasn't even a relationship, I just got rejected and I just need to accept that. I took a shower, ate my dinner and slept. Next day I went office, saw Priya working on her laptop, I went to my cabin and started working so that I can keep myself busy to avoid these disturbing thoughts. After a while Priya came in my cabin like nothing happened between us and said "Since boss is on vacation so I had to approach you sir, I want to take leave for two weeks, I have sent the mail on your laptop, thank you". She got up to leave meanwhile I stopped her "Priya, I hope you've a good time figuring things out, congrats for a new beginning maybe but yeah I can't change the way I feel about you". She looked into my eyes this time I tried acting tough and broke the eye contact. She left the cabin without replying.

(PS : Now Sid is focusing more on his work and physique, going to office then gym and then cooking for himself, sleep, repeat. That's his life now. Priya is still in this city and she's living with her parents. Nowadays she's spending time with her school friends. Is Priya planning to leave this job? Will Sid and Priya meet again? Will Priya realise everything? Will this leave change Sid's feelings for Priya? Will Priya confess everything to Ivaan?)

Lot of questions I see but do drop your valuable comments/feedback, I'll be surely reading them.

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