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My break is almost over, from tomorrow I need to get back to work. Ivaan didn't even try to talk to me after everything that happened. I was mad at Sid, I liked Sid but as a friend, and I realised that I don't really love him, it's just his charming nature and his caring attitude towards me which made me feel that I'm in love with him, but now I low-key hate him for messing up things between me and Ivaan, I like him a lot, yeah Ivaan, he's always on my mind and I could sense that he likes me too. But I can't forget what he told me that day, he needs time and I should co-operate, for a moment I could feel what Sid was feeling when I told him that I need time to figure out all of this. It was a mess, and low-key I was happy before all of this happened. My mom pulled me back from my thoughts as she brought a cup of coffee for me, no-one can read a child better than her mom. My mom asked me if something is troubling me, she is a doctor, she's usually busy with her hospital but she always managed to give us time. Yeah I have a sibling too, he went abroad for his higher studies like it's almost two years since then and my dad is always out for work, he barely visits us like maybe twice a month. I asked mumma, "Is it right to make someone wait?". She started searching for my eyes and replied, "We are humans, we need a pause, to think about everything we have or we need in life, nobody is born with a well-planned life". "It's not about work" I interrupted. She didn't look surprised and replied with a calm look "Sometimes we need to wait to figure out everything, give time to people around you also give time to yourself, good things come to people who wait." I was so satisfied after talking to her, I felt better.
I entered my office and collided with Sid, he probably was shocked to see me back. I asked him, "What did you think I'll resign from my job because of the mess you created that day and ruin my mental peace?" I gave him a cold look and went inside my cabin, he stood speechless. I finished my pending work, and got to know that boss has returned and wants to meet me, that worried me for some unknown reasons. I went into his cabin, he was as usual "nice to me". I asked him the matter, he told me how his business is being affected by the rival companies and now he was pleading me to take charge of his company to better the situation because he highly trusted me. I wanted to reject his proposal but this felt like a good opportunity to crush Sid's ego, if I become the CEO he'll have to work under me and feel the pressure of being controlled. I was clearly mad at him so I accepted his proposal, my boss interrupted as soon as I stood from my chair, he came near me and told me that he has a lot of companies and he can't manage all of it, so he highly trusts me and gave me this company and wants me to manage his life, I was confused at first until he went down on his knees and proposed me. I was shocked. It was a marriage proposal, meanwhile Sid entered the cabin without knocking, he started to stare at both of us. He hurriedly left the room, I could sense that he wasn't happy with that. I rejected his proposal, he asked me why am I rejecting such a big opportunity. But I didn't answer and left the cabin. I planned to get back home since I can't work here anymore because I rejected my boss and now he won't let me work in this company. I inserted my scooty keys meanwhile Sid appeared out of nowhere. He started speaking, "Oh! So congratulations I guess, you fooled me first then Ivaan and now..every guy around you is in love with you but I don't know what you're thinking of", I was disgusted at his tone, I interrupted, "I rejected his proposal and I love Ivaan and you're getting mad about literally nothing, I already told you that I don't love you and I'd always like you as a friend but you had to ruin things by getting jealous". I was really disappointment after I got to know what Sid assumed, he thought that I was playing around all of them just to get this company. I could see some sort of regret and sadness in his eyes after I explained him everything. I drove and sat near the bridge from where EVERYTHING started, funny but how this place brings me peace, apart from the fact that I met Sid here. I was already tired of this, I felt bad about losing this job but self-respect comes before money. I was confident enough getting a new job because this time I've gained a lot of experience. I went back home, I was alone since mom was at work so I went into the kitchen to get some chilled water, I heard a knock on the door. It was Ivaan, I was surprised but happy to see him, I welcomed him inside, he sat in my room. I made us coffee, meanwhile he was scrolling something on his phone. I sat near him, he looked at me with keen interest, he kept the coffee beside the table and held my hand in his. I could feel the heat rising to my face, my cheeks turned red until he spoke, "I really like you but now I've just started my modelling career also I'm busy with a side job, and I like my boss's daughter a lot, once I get settled into modelling we might tie knots soon". The last line kinda broke me, I felt like someone shove a knife into my chest, he released my hand from his grip. I couldn't look at him for a moment I felt like Sid who was rejected by me or to be specific friendzoned by me, same Ivaan did to me but cuz he was sure about someone else. He left me in my deserted house with the half-filled cup of coffee and me who's broken yet numb. I was tired, I felt sad about the rejection but somewhere I was satisfied with the clarity I recieved from his side. I continued applying for jobs meanwhile someone knocked on my door, it was Sid. This time I didn't let him in and asked him why he's here, he brought me a bouquet of white roses, he continued "I'm sorry for that day, I heard from office that you've resigned from the job, you're right I was getting jealous over literally nothing but yes I'm not a creep who chases you after getting rejected, it's just that I care about you and I respect the way you feel about Ivaan and I'll be happy if you both..." I interrupted, "Ivaan loves someone else and now I'm trying to get over him also the job never fit me well although our boss proposed me". Sid was startled at my words. He asked me if I would let him in. I made us coffee and sat near him, I started "I don't think we're at fault for everything that has happened with us lately". Sid didn't utter a word but after a pause he slightly nodded in agreement. We started smiling while having coffee and started bitching about our boss, not gonna lie, it was fun, we laughed so hard until I heard a knock on the door, I opened to see it was mumma. She saw Sid, Sid stood up and greeted my mom, she already seemed a lot impressed with him. I introduced him to her, they both started talking while mumma questioned him about his personal life and work. They talked for over an hour. Since it was getting late, Sid bid us farewell. I could feel that things got better after our conversation today. It's true that "things get better when we talk about it". I got a mail while I was dreaming about this. "You've been selected for the post of........" I jumped out of happiness, mom heard it, I broke the news to her. She was relieved seeing me happy. I slept peacefully after realising that everything in my life is getting sorted.

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