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I woke up and wanted to wish Priya a happy new year but in a special way possible, so I decided to visit her house with a bouquet. I freshened up, tried finishing my office work and drove to her place by nearly 4pm, rang the bell, Priya opened the door and from her look I could guess that she wasn't happy with my presence yet she welcomed me, as soon as I entered I could see three people, probably a couple and a good-looking guy. I shifted my glance towards her and gave her the bouquet, she was staring at the single guy from the corner of her eyes, I was getting insecure but later I drew her attention towards me by asking her to introduce them. She hesitantly introduced me to her friends, "Disha, he's my colleague and Sid they are my school friends also" she pointed towards the guy beside her who was fairly tall, "this is her boyfriend Samarth and Ivaan". Ivaan smiled at me but I didn't smile back, I was still mad with the fact that Priya likes him or specifically dumped me cuz of this guy. I pointed towards the door "Priya I think it's time for me to leave" but she interrupted and requested me to stay till dinner, I couldn't help but agree as her friends were staring at me. Ivaan was talking to someone, he was on call, facing the balcony, Priya was in the kitchen cooking dinner, Disha and Samarth were doing the lovey-dovey things couple do in love which I was barely interested to notice, I preferred sitting on the sofa. I stood and went near Ivaan after he hung up. "So you are the lucky guy" I blurted out. Ivaan looked perplexed, he said "Lucky guy umm I don't get it bro?". I spoke in a hurried tone "Oh so Priya didn't tell you that she's in love with you and that's why she rejected me?". The colour from Ivaan's cheek started fading, he looked really shocked, he didn't even speak a word and was zoned out. Suddenly Priya entered the room and she spoke up, "Guys dinner is ready join Disha and Samarth..." before she could complete Ivaan interrupted her "So you didn't tell me Priya?". Priya looked confused because obviously she had no idea about what we were talking about but then she looked at me. I was surprised to see that Priya didn't confess her feelings to Ivaan. Priya spoke up as soon as she realised "Ivaan...listen... I started liking you since we were in school but I couldn't confess because....", Ivaan interrupted, "Priya I respect that, like whatever happened yesterday between us was really beautiful but how can I decide if I like you back in just a single meeting? I'm sorry but I need time and I think I should leave now". Ivaan left us. Priya didn't stop him, I low-key felt guilty for saying that but I was jealous and I realised that it was immature. Priya was staring me with her eyes welled up and obviously she was mad at me. Before I could speak up or console her she ran out of the room. I went after her but she told me that I should leave. Disha and Samarth gave us a confused look. I left, yes I agree that it was the jealousy that messed up things but I'd to sort it too. Yet I was thinking what might have happened between them last night. I could imagine a lot of things going on between them but I somehow trusted Priya and only Priya that she won't rush into it this early, I opened my laptop to check office mails, then I checked my phone to see if Priya is online so that I can apologise, and to my surprise she was online, I explained everything to her and said sorry, she left my text on seen. Then I realised that she took a break to figure out everything and I can't even stay few days away from her, I should stop interrupting in her life for a few days.

PS: Read this story till the end, to understand everything. A lot of mystery is gonna unfold maybe.

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