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Next day :
"Hey Priya, I got selected for India's biggest modelling show" Ivaan texted me, I congratulated him. We still were friends although things didn't end  well between us. Ivaan and I had a good conversation after a fair time and I guessed that everything is normal between us, I told him about Sid too. I realised that Sid was online too and had sent me nearly 9+ messages, I freaked out since I didn't notice his texts while I was talking to Ivaan. I replied Sid, he went offline. I assumed him to be busy. I took leave for a few days from office since I was too stressed out with job and my personal schedule. I decided to visit Sid, I was almost near my door when I saw Sid. I made us coffee, we talked for a while, I told him about Ivaan too. He told me that he has been promoted to US and will be leaving within this week. Firstly I was happy for him then I felt a bit down, we were low-key obsessed with each other, how will we manage long distance, a lot of questions started popping in my head until Sid interrupted "I want us to get married and settle in US." I never thought about marriage, I love him so that wasn't a bad idea according to me. I told him that we'll plan about marriage once he gets settled there, also since my father is busy with his work and a family meet won't be possible now. I hugged him realising that soon we'll be apart. I was on the verge of crying but I'd hold it together. He stroke my cheek and smiled, I could notice sadness in his eyes, I didn't want to ruin his happiness so I decided to make it fun and celebrate it. "Let's bake a cake together to celebrate this" I interrupted. He giggled "I don't know how to bake but I'll help you in other possible ways". We hopped into the kitchen, I told him to gather the ingredients and I started whipping cream. I almost prepared the batter and adjusted the oven's temperature. Sid got a call in between and he left me alone in the kitchen, the cake was ready, we'd cut it together and eat it. It was already getting late, mom wasn't home yet due to her night shift, I told Sid that I would like to spend some time with him until he's here, he agreed and left after hugging me for nearly two minutes, I didn't feel like releasing him I swear.

Next day I woke up early because I couldn't sleep peacefully whole night at the thought of Sid staying away from me. I freshened up and strolled into the kitchen to see mom cooking breakfast, I gave her a side hug. As usual she could guess that I was sad and didn't sleep properly so she asked me and I told her everything. She at first giggled and then held my hand saying "Distance strengthens a relationship, falling in love is easy but staying isn't." Those lines hit so hard, I felt relieved after hearing that, like yes although we won't be physically present near each other, we will atleast be talking on screen. "Mumma you're right thank you", I hugged her tightly this time. Mom told me that I should invite Sid for breakfast, I dialed Sid to figure out that he wasn't answering the call, I assumed that he's asleep till now and finished my breakfast with mom. Mom went out on her duty while I was sitting alone in my house, I recalled that I haven't written my diary since a while so I picked up a pen and started writing, "Dear diary, Sid is going abroad, I'm so afraid of long distance relationships also I won't be able to hug and meet him, it makes me sad but I hope it strengthens our relationship and it's a bit easier for us until we get married, also I didn't tell mumma about the marriage thing, I wanted to but I want Sid to be settled there first then I'll tell her...", there was a knock on the door I closed my diary halfway and to my surprise it was Ivaan, although I was expecting Sid. Ivaan greeted me, I faked a smile and welcomed him in. I asked him about his life while I was making coffee for him. He told me how he is getting engaged by next week with her boss's daughter the one he's in love with. I was happy for him, he also told me how he got selected for the modelling show and kept blabbering about his girlfriend being so great. I had no option rather than agreeing, he sat near me and showed me the wedding and engagement invitation card while we were discussing about it Sid was standing at the door, he looked insecure since the distance between me and Ivaan was very less. I saw him and immediately stood up from the sofa, he left hurriedly. I lost my shit, I ran after him to explain this but he drove past me. I went inside meanwhile Ivaan asked me if everything's alright and what happened to Sid and things like that but I had to tell him that everything's alright he got an important call so he had to go. Ivaan told me that I've to attend his wedding ceremony with Sid. I agreed while hugging and bid him farewell. He left. I hurriedly picked my phone trying to call Sid, but he'd probably switched off his phone. I reached Sid's home but it was locked from outside, I was wondering where he might have gone, THE BRIDGE , it immediately clicked in my mind and I went near the bridge. He was there, sitting, gazing at the flow of the water, I sat near him, he didn't utter a word nor showed any emotion on his face but he was clearly mad and disappointed. "Ivaan...", I was about to tell him everything meanwhile he stood up and said "I always knew that you loved Ivaan, you actually never loved me, you were just pretending to love me and I don't know if that was the kind of revenge you wanted to take from me, you're such a...." He pointed his finger towards me and stopped, no he didn't say that word but it was close, how can he think about me in that way. It hurt me so badly that the love and trust I kept boasting about is so shallow, there's actually no trust in our relationship. I stood there, I had literally no words because I was too hurt to speak or show any sort of emotion. A tear rolled down my cheek while he left me at the bridge alone. I felt like crying but I was very surprised with his reaction, I took an auto and went home. I reached home and hurried to my bedroom shutting the door behind me and I couldn't hold it anymore, I started crying. I was hurt but mostly was highly disappointed with Sid and I started doubting our love and whatever happened between us in the past few days, was it so temporary that a small misunderstanding broke it? I questioned myself while laying on my bed crying. I cried myself to sleep.

For the next three days I didn't show up, mom wasn't home from the last few days since she was busy with my cousin's wedding and her job. I barely used to sleep, eat or do anything. I felt so tired, I gave up crying, at times I lay on my bed and scroll mindlessly, I would stalk his account, our chats and make myself more sad about it. Sid didn't try to even talk and even if he did I would never forgive him for the disrespect, I can't forget that tone. I was mad at him for some reasons. I got a call from my office that from tomorrow I'll have to get back to work again since my leave is over. I didn't feel like going office but it's the only way to avoid all of this. I realised that tomorrow is the day when Sid is actually leaving India. I felt sick near my stomach while thinking about it, at times I felt like talking to him but after the disrespect I couldn't.

Next day I arrived office before time, I was getting sick at home so I decided to do some extra work, Sahil appeared from nowhere smiling at me, I didn't smile back. I continued with my work meanwhile he sat next to me asking me if I am okay and if something went wrong between me and my boyfriend. I paused for a second thinking how he knows about Sid also recalling that now it actually doesn't matter. I didn't answer him until he stood up and went near his seat, "I don't have a boyfriend anymore" I blurted out meanwhile working on my computer. Sahil came near me and his eyes gleamed with happiness, I could guess that he was interested in me, although he's a nice guy and helped me at times but still I never liked him, he's low-key cringe. Sahil brought two cup of chai for both of us, I took a sip. Meanwhile he gossiped about his life, I kept listening, it made my day less stressful. Sahil asked me if he could drop me home, I agreed. I sat in his car fastening the seat belt, Sahil inserted the keys meanwhile I saw Sid's car passing by, he was leaving for the airport, he saw me and Sahil together in the car and that might have surely created some new misunderstanding but I didn't care to be honest, since he didn't bother to talk to me since that day. I reached home, I was tired yet still thinking about Sid. But after few minutes dozed off. My alarm rang, I woke up. I'm sure Sid has reached US, mom will return tomorrow, I've to go office today for an important meeting. Also I saw Sahil's text on my phone "hi, I'm standing near your gate". I hurried from my bed to my window to see him standing near my gate. "Ayee come I'll drop you" he shouted. He's such a crazy ass I said that inside my head and smiled.
Not every story ends some are just left halfway.


Thank you!!!

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