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Justin POV:
She was very beautiful. If I knew such pretty staff worked here, I would buy from this store every day. And there was something about her that just attracted me. Maybe how she calmed down immediately after getting scared and talked to me softly with a smile. Honestly, I wouldn't mind being stuck for the night in here if she is my company. But I still ask, "Stuck for the night? Can't you call or text whoever locked the store to open it again?" Rosie nodded her head quickly to say No. "There is no signal anywhere in the store. We use Wi-Fi during the day, but the manager turns it off before leaving so, we have no Wi-Fi as well, so you can't even inform someone about being stuck here." She says as she slowly walked towards the switchboard and turned a few lights on. "There are cameras on the outside of the store that are used at night, the ones inside are used only in the morning. So, there is no help from there." She turns around to face me. With the lights on I can see her more clearly. Beautiful is an understatement. She was wearing a black top and blue jeans that hugged her perfectly. She had rosy cheeks and a very cute smile, it was that smile that felt hypnotic. If I knew I would meet her today, I would've worn something other than my black t-shirt with a huge black hoodie and blue jeans. And about informing my parents or my brother, I have spent many nights at my friend's place sometimes without informing them beforehand, they usually don't notice my absence and even if they do, they don't pry. My freedom is very important to them. But then I remembered about the very gorgeous company I have with me. So I said, "I don't have a problem with informing, my parents don't mind, what about you? You must need to inform someone right?"
"My parents don't live in this city, I live in a ladies dorm and I am sure my roommate will cover for me even if I don't tell her to, so I have no worries." She said and sat down on a huge couch in the furniture section. "So Justin, tomorrow is the weekend, the store opens at 8 am and not the usual 6 am, the manager will be here first by 7 am which means we have this store all to ourselves for around 12 hours, What do you want to do first?" She smiled with a hint of mischief in her eyes. That was the moment I knew, I fell for her charms already and wanted to know more about this wonderful woman.

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