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The movie ended and as expected Roselyn loved it. She kept talking about the characters and the plot and complaining about why she hasn't seen it to date. He laughed and discussed the movie with her. As she was laughing at some joke he cracked she saw the time on the clock on display, it was 12:25 am. "Oh no, it's past midnight already? Where did all the time go? JK said you will think about what you want to do. Come on, tell me, anything you want to do, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
"I want to sleep in a tent. I love camping, I slept in tents many times but never in a mall. I want to try that. We don't need to open and set up a new one, there is a huge one already set up at the end of the sports aisle."
"Ok, let's go, I will put this quilt back in its place and be right there."
He waited and helped her fold the quilt, put it carefully back in the bag without ruining the tag, and back in its place.
They went to the setup tent. It was the one on a display called, "Adventurer in you" it had fake cardboard fire in a bonfire pit which had small chairs around it, a huge tent set up with bedding already arranged inside. In short, it was perfect for Justin.
After sitting comfortably on the bedding that was arranged on the floor inside, they clicked pictures again, Justin airdropped all the pictures of the night so far and they started talking again. It started with how Justin used to go camping frequently before and how college is taking up his time now and continued with which colleges they go to, which courses they do, and even the fight between groups in his college. "So, what are you going to do now? They will still try to beat you up when they meet you?" Roselyn asked, her voice laced with worry. "I need to tell my brother about it. Not to be that guy but it's better for me to let them know I am related to the infamous worldwide handsome than getting involved in fights now and then." He assured her. "What about you? You will get in trouble for all this I suppose? What is your big plan?"
"The manager will be here first by 7 am, he won't check the outside cameras unless there is some suspicious activity. But he can hear us leave. But I have a plan. Just trust me and set your alarm to 6 am right now. I don't want us to be found sleeping when he arrives. And make sure to wake up and not snooze the alarm. Leave the rest to me." She smiled confidently. They both set their alarms, lied down on the bedding facing each other with her fox plushie in between them, and continued talking. She told him about her friends, her roommate at her dorm, and a lot more. As hours passed, sleep took over and they fell asleep.
Justin's POV:
Two alarms blared in a very quiet mall. I woke up and saw Roselyn sleeping on my extended arm facing me, her plushie lay at her feet as she snuggled closer with a pout and eyebrows together, probably angry at the alarm, she turned it off in her sleep and moved closer. I smiled and turned my alarm off. I nudged her shoulder lightly and said, "Rosie, wake up."

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