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Roselyn's POV:
I can hear my alarm ringing, I need a few more minutes of sleep I thought as I turned my alarm off and moved close to my set of pillows. "Rosie, wake up." A gruff voice said as I felt a nudge on my shoulder. That morning voice was music to my ears. Suddenly I realized where I was, I wasn't in my room and this warmth beside me is not because of my set of pillows. Now that I am back to my senses, I can feel the pillow I am sleeping on is not a pillow too. It is definitely his arm. How did I even end up here? I feel so embarrassed I don't want to open my eyes and face him. I can feel his stare without even opening my eyes. Should I just roll to the other side and act as if I just woke up? Or should I wake up and just walk out of the tent without looking at him? Before I could decide on what to do, I felt a hand slowly pushing back my hair behind my ears and I heard, "Do you want to sleep for five more minutes? I don't know what your plans are so I don't know if the time would be enough. But tell me do you want to sleep more?" I couldn't hold back my smile. I smiled at him sleepily and opened one eye to look at him. "Good morning, Rosie" he smiled at me. His voice, his smile, the way that he speaks to me so carefully. This man is dangerous. "Good morning JK" I fully opened my eyes to look at him. Then I slowly got up, sat down, and looked back at him. "Sorry, I don't know how I ended up sleeping on your arm. Must've been sore by now." He sat down smiling sleepily, "No, I don't mind at all. So what is the plan?"
Justin's POV:
We got up and arranged the bedding back to normal again. Then we checked every aisle to see if we left anything out of place. After properly putting any left scraps of garbage in a garbage bag that was already half full with the empty packets from yesterday's dinner, we cleaned everything up and did the final checks. Roselyn made a tight knot sealing the garbage bag, it was small and easy to carry. "The bin is emptied every day at closing time, so finding trash in it is suspicious. I replaced the bin with a new bag, we need to discard this. Get your bag from the wardrobe and place it along with this garbage bag and my plushie. I'll get my bag from the lockers. Give me your hoodie, trust me." I didn't hesitate, maybe she was cold. I should've offered her my hoodie beforehand I mentally cursed myself. I went and got the bag and placed it along with the plushie and garbage bag. I waited for her. She didn't come out of the staff lounge yet. I waited and looked at the pictures of us on my phone. I heard footsteps approaching and said, "Look at this picture of you munchin-" I couldn't even finish the sentence. My mouth hung open. Roselyn stood in front of me, wearing only my hoodie. It was so big it almost covered her knees. She wore it on top of her black top and removed her pants, making it look like one big hoodie dress. She was stuffing those pants in her bag as I sat there mouth agape. Her hair that was left loose all night was now messily braided. Few strands framed her beautiful face. I know I am blushing looking at her in my hoodie, but I cannot take my eyes off her. After closing her bag, she looked up to see me and smiled.
"Does it look fine, or do I look suspicious?"
"What do you mean suspicious? You look stunning." I said genuinely.
She came and sat beside me and said, "So, hear me out. We will stand behind the first aisle in the corner. My manager will walk to his room first, to turn on the cameras, Wi-Fi, and log machine. Once he turns it on it is difficult for us to pass through without being seen. So, I left my phone in my locker. As soon as he walks in before he reaches his door, we make a move. You get your bag, my plushie, the garbage bag and run through the door and the parking lot. Dump the garbage in the can on the street and wait for me in front of the salon at the end of this street. Vincent will hear the door open, but before he comes back, I will walk to him and say I left my phone in here. I will get it and meet you there. Any questions?"
I smiled and asked, "When did you even plan all this?"
"The moment I understood we were stuck in here. Ok let's go sit at the first aisle we have around 10 minutes and Vincent is very punctual."

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