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As she settled on the couch beside him, he gave her a bottle of banana milk. She stabbed her straw into the bottle and said, "We should watch something, we have a few movies we play for the TVs on display. They aren't the greatest but they're good. You can choose." She turned a TV that was nearest to the couch on and gave him the remote to choose among the movies. Instead of taking the remote, he said, "Love, Rosie" She was caught off-guard with the endearment and answered "Yeah?" He smiled looking at her eyes full of mischief as he said, "I'm talking about the movie. Love, Rosie. It's option 11." She turned red in embarrassment. She gave him the remote, stood up, and started walking away as she said, "Put it on, I will get the ice cream" He giggled at her shy self walking away quickly and shouted, "I mean I don't have a problem calling you 'Love' but you should give me a cute nickname too." "Shut up" she shouted and ran away as he burst into a fit of giggles. He calmed down and followed her only to see her talking to her reflection in the freezer's glass door. "Why do you embarrass yourself? Shut up for once. The movie was on the screen, why did you not see it. I swear to God you act so dumb sometimes. I am so embarrassed, I want to bury myself." She stopped her rant when she saw another reflection on the door. Justin stood there with a smile and his hands in his hoodie pocket. She looked at him and did not speak or turn to face him. He came forward and placed his head on her shoulder. She looked at him. His cheek was very close to her as he looked at the glass door and spoke to her reflection, "Don't listen to her. It's not your fault, that guy loves teasing people he likes. That is just how his brain works. You didn't embarrass yourself..." He turned his head to face her and said, "...I think you looked cute." She was too stunned to speak. Did he just tell her he likes her and that she looks cute in the same sentence?
Justin seemed unfazed because for once in his life he doesn't want his shy attitude to waste time in getting to know someone. He had a few hours together with her and wants to make the best out of it because he has no idea if she would ever want to meet him after tonight. He then turned his face to the freezer door again, opened it to get their ice cream out as she stood there looking at him. He moved back giving her space to turn and smiled when she did. She was still processing everything that just happened when he stretched his palm out for her to hold and said, "It's one of my favorite movies Rosie, you will love it. Come on, let's go." She looked at his hand and the guy in front of her. Normally she would freak out if any guy she crushed on said she was cute or that he likes her. But this was Justin. For some reason, she felt weirdly calm despite all the butterflies in her stomach. She smiled softly and held his hand. He intertwined their fingers and walked as she spoke again in her energetic tone, "The name says love, but I just want to make sure, it isn't a horror movie, right? I am not scared or anything, but I don't want to watch one right now." She continued rambling about how every genre needs a specific mood to be watched in until they reached their couch. They set up the movie. The couch opened into a foldable bed. So, they opened it and put their ice cream and banana milk there. "We should get a blanket, I know which one, I loved this one quilt when I laid my eyes on it. But right now, I don't need a new quilt, so I never bought it. It looks pretty and feels really cozy and warm. It should be somewhere around here, let me go get it." He laid down on the couch facing the TV and opened another bottle of banana milk. He looked at his palms, the swelling was now gone and all he remembers is how perfectly her hand fit into his. She soon came back with a peach pink quilt in its zipped bag. The bag had a tag which she was careful not to damage. She opened the quilt and spread it out on the couch-bed. "Perfect, let me turn these lights off and get my plushie." Before he could ask, she went away, turned the lights off, and came back with the huge fox plushie he gave her before. "Where is his tag?" Justin asked as soon as she came holding the fox. "I bought him when I bought the food, he saved me too, and he reminds me of the guy who cared so much about me not getting hurt that he hurt himself. So, this will be a memory from this night."

She sat down beside him and pulled the quilt onto both of them. She then gave him the ice cream tub, got their plastic spoons out, and started the movie. He gave her a bottle of banana milk too which she sipped from time to time as she watched the movie intently. He held the tub as she sat there hugging her plushie. She watched it with so much concentration that sometimes she brought a spoonful of ice cream to her mouth and waited without eating it as she looked at some scene on TV. She looked very pretty. In the darkness with only the movie to light her face, she still looked stunning. He clicked a few pictures of her eating ice cream and watching the movie. "Stop it JK, watch the movie." She said smiling as she caught him clicking pictures from the corner of her eye. He giggled and turned to watch the movie. She asked him stuff about the movie, and he clarified, they finished their ice cream. She moved towards him to get the banana milk that was placed on his other side. As she moved in front of him, he held her shoulders made her sit back beside him and without removing his eyes from the tv he said, "Move, this is my favorite scene." She tsked and sat there without realizing how close she is now sitting next to him. "Just give me the banana milk JK" she sat there beside him reaching for it ducking to prevent obstructing his vision and almost lying down in his lap to reach the other side. He realized what was happening and quickly gave her the banana milk before she falls into his lap. She smiled taking it and looked back at the screen.  She rested her head on his shoulder now that they were sitting so close to each other holding her plushie in one hand and the banana milk in another. Justin smiled and sat there making sure not to move and disturb her.

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