Placid. 2

163 3 1

Adonis- Lucas

I closed the bedroom door. I gripped my hand in my hair.

I hated that I had to keep her here and not tell her why. It's not fair to her.

I slowly walked down the hallway. My thoughts were scattered and worried. Word has spread. And if it's found out by the wrong people Isabela could be dead in a matter of minutes. If I hadn't found her and brought her here.

I walked down the stairs. And entered the kitchen where Luck and Harry were sat on the counter. We had chairs but they both preferred to sit on the kitchen island.

"Get me a beer" I ordered. Harry threw me one.

"You alright man?" Luck asked.

"I just feel bad you know." I gulped my drink. "I can't tell her why she's here can I"

"Lucas if you told her I'm sure she'd understand" luck said.

"Yeah but not exactly luck" Harry said. "What's he gonna say." "So basically yeah, Uhh your dad has made us get married and well you know word has spread so if the raptors find out that Isabela Nikolaev is marring into the Marchetti's you would be killed." He said in a very bad impression voice of me.

I chucked sarcastically.

"She doesn't deserve to be killed because she has a dickhead father." I said. I gulped my drink again.

"Look man, if she has to be here at least make her comfortable" luck said.

"Luck...are you high?" I asked "why the fuck do you think I spent 4 days trying to get that room perfect for her? Because I want her to be comfortable!"

"Alright sorry." Luck said jumping down from the counter. He opened the fridge and pulled out some grapes. Both me and Harry looked at him like he's nuts. "What? I'm hungry"

We all laughed. We all joked around for a bit. It was nice to have this moment with my friends. It doesn't happen very often, I just wish David were here, he'd do some funny shit to make us laugh.

"We'll I'm off. My girl will be waiting." Harry said finally.

"Harry you know I always thought you were gay" luck said.

"I have no preference" Harry said putting his jacket on. "Okay bye, good luck with Isabela"

"Bye" me and luck said at the same time.

"Is it alright if I crash here?" Luck asked.

"Sure" I said. "I'm heading up. I'll see you in the morning"

"Night" luck said.

I walked up the stairs. As I approached the top I saw from down the hallway, Isabela's bedroom door slowly close.

I squeezed my eyes shut. She had heard the whole conversation. I chose not to do anything about it and I just went straight to my room.

I sat on the end of my bed.

For years I've been trying to improve my mental health. My depression is unreal. My mother and father will be returning next week from there vacation to the Bahamas. I kinda wish the wouldn't come back. My mother maybe, my father can piss off. I've always hated my father. Since a young age I hated him.

I reached under my pillow for my journal.

Yes I have a journal, no one knows about it, so don't tell anyone.

Dear Adonis,
I found Isabela. She's surprisingly beautiful. I mean I knew she would be but not that beautiful. She's confused. I want to tell her everything but I can't. It's for her safety and she deserves to be safe. Her father told me she was skilled. But he also said she shouldn't be relied on, because apparently she's worthless and useless. I don't believe that for a second. I spent 4 days making her room comfortable, I hope she likes it. - Lucas

I address my journal like that because, I used to be Adonis, respectful, kind, helpful and polite. But now I'm Lucas. I write to Adonis hoping that one day I'll be Adonis again. Someone will help me get respectful, kind and helpful again. 

I got up and stared out my window. I was just staring at the moon. It was bright tonight. I could see the reflection of the light in my pool. I had a perfect view of the city. It was quite relaxing.

I sat back down on my bed and put my journal back under my pillow. I sat there for a while. My mind just thought about Isabela. I felt myself smile at the thought. I shook myself out of my thoughts.

I ripped off my shirt and pants and jumped on my bed.

I knew I wasn't going to sleep. I never do. I always struggle getting to sleep.

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