Please. 25

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Adonis- Lucas.

I can't even begin to describe the fear that waved over me when I heard Isabela's scream. It was like I'd been shot. Guns fired, and she was the one on the floor. I yelled for them to stop, my own men came in then, David and his people. They got them out. Luck went with him as well, and Harry did to. So I just sat, crying, phone to my ear, blubbering at doctor Gauntlet.

"This is fucking ridiculous!" I yelled in my rage, "they can't just open fire like that.. they can't..."

"I hear your frustration, Mr. Marchetti," he told me calmly, "believe me, I will do everything I can to help you and your fiancé,"

"Thank you..." I breathed, "get here fast."

Isabela was out of it completely. I didn't move her, I pressed fabric against the gun shot and waited for the doctor.

It was about 3 in the morning when I was sitting in my office. I sat in the dark with luck. My eyes were puffy and full, my head heavy and throbbing. I sipped from a cup of coffee.

"She'll be fine man," luck said.

"Since when we're you a fucking doctor?"

"I didn't say that-"

"Stop acting like you know then!" I yelled getting up. I breathed deeply, pushing my hands through my hair. "Sorry..."

"It's fine." He croaked. "I'll see you later man."

"Where are you going?" Luck stood by the door.

"Out." He clicked his phone on. "Listen, I know you're not the most.. feelings type of person, but you like this girl. I know you do and you know it to. I just want you to keep your head on straight and not fuck things up." He breathed deeply. "This is the place she's safe, right? Especially with her family being threatened by the swans, this is her home. Please, treat her with respect and give her space."

He left. I stood staring at the door, my eyes burning. I squeezed them shut.

I didn't know what to do. The wedding was fast approaching and I had no clue what was happening. For all I know Isabela could just die.

I collapsed into my chair and covered my face with my hands. "Hey!" The door burst open, Harry stood alarmingly with his hand on the door handle. "She's awake, come quick."

I flew out of my seat and ran down the hall, down the stairs and into the basement where she had been. We had a section downstairs that felt like a hospital, it was incase someone got hurt. And the worst someone did.

"Hey," I clambered passed the nurses and hovered over Isabela. Her eyes met mine with fear and confusion, but softened when she realised it was me. I smiled and turned to doctor Gauntlet. I remembered what luck said.

I'll have to give her some time and space.

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