Pleasant. 23

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Isabela mae.

In the car. Jade was in the back seat and Lucas looked sexually starved almost. I sat, uncomfortable, as Lucas drove recklessly to the school.

He pulled up into the parking lot and Jade stepped out of the car thanking Lucas. I went to get out to.

"Absolutely not." Lucas said, he locked the door. That's the most Italian I've heard that man sound, ever. He reached over and locked all the doors. "We need to talk."

"In my high school parking lot, a week from graduation?" I asked. It's because of him that I won't be able to attend my graduation. And it's not like I wouldn't be able to graduate at all. I had enough credit to graduate junior year.

"Ha." He laughed. He drove out of the parking lot and to his house. The last place I wanted to be.

He got out and so did I. I watched him walk up to the door. You could see his black jacket absorbing the sunlight. I walked up behind him. I followed him into the house. He told me to come with him so I did.

He lead me to his office. He told me strictly on the first day that I couldn't go in there. So I hesitated before following him into the room. It was messy. Papers everywhere. My mind became crowded. I didn't understand what was going on here. Why did I go from buying sexy underwear with my best friend to standing like a pencil in lucas' office.

"I want to talk about something." He finally said. "About the wedding." I rolled my eyes and turned on my heal. I knew it would piss him off, but that was my goal. I wanted alcohol. I wanted to get drunk and not give a fuck about anything I do. In fact, can I get married drunk?

"I'm gonna be honest," I began. "I don't give a fuck about the wedding." He stared blankly at me. "Do it up in whatever mafia way you want to do it, I don't want to be involved." After that I turned and walked out of the office. Lucas huffed and followed my in a very disgruntled manner.

I walked down the stairs with Lucas following me. He was not very impressed with this. I got to the kitchen. I opened the fridge. I wanted something stronger that beer.

"Lucas," I turned around. He was stood behind me. He was frustrated, but for some reason I was attracted to it. "Get me drunk." I said. He stared straight at me. "Please."

We some how were having fun. We were doing vodka shots, and I was trying every drink Lucas brought out. To be fair, a lot of them I hated but it was fun to be off my head. I then went back to the beer because Lucas didn't want me to hate myself too much in the morning. But jokes on him, I already hate myself so what's the point.

We were sat on the couch. I was giggling and Lucas just looked at me. He had the faintest smirk on his face. "You know, luck thought we were gonna have sex. He said 'when you find that girl you might fuck her'. " he chuckled at himself. "I'm just glad something like that didn't happen in a Victoria secret dressing room.

"I wouldn't have minded that." I said, I smiled up at him while playing with my drink.

"You would have wanted that?" He asked me seriously. "Right there, in a dressing room? In public?"

"Who wouldn't." I said. "Can you name one girl who wouldn't want to be fucked by the boss of the biggest mafia in world, who's not only rich as fuck, but also the sexiest man on this fucking planet?" I rambled in my drunken state. "Trick question, you can't."

He stared blankly at me. He didn't quite know what to say. And before I could think things through, my hand was sliding up his thigh. I was biting my lip and gazing into those fucking eyes. Those eyes that I want admiring every inch of my body. And those lips. I want him to kiss me everywhere. I kicked my leg around and straddled him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared into his big brown eyes. I began to slowly rock my hips back a forth. It felt great for me, but it was incredible for him. I could feel him growing beneath me. His eyes fluttered closed "stop." He breathed out.

He placed his hands firmly on my hips, attempting poorly to stop me from grinding myself on him. But I continued to move faster. And harder. His breaths become louder and heavier. And he seemed to just give up trying to stop me because he lifted my waist slightly and placed me back down on his thigh. He continued to guide my hips on his thigh. The friction made me tip my head back and let out a breathy moan. If only these jeans weren't in the way. I thought. And as if he read my mind, he lifted my hips gently and fiddled with the zipper. He helped my pull them off and he then slid my back onto his thigh. His eyes never left mine. As he began to rock me once again he slowly kissed my lips as if it hurt him not to. Like he was holding back from doing too much. But that's not what I wanted. I wanted everything.

He guided me though the whole thing. He had one hand on the small of my back and the other moving my hips back and forth. He began to move faster. He leant forward and kissed along my neck. My legs started to shake. I felt a pleasant shiver up my spine and then I let out a moan when I came. He gently lifted my fragile limp body with one hand on my waist and the other in my hair. He laid me down on the couch and kissed me softly on my lips.

"You stink of alcohol," he chuckled.

"That's what I was going for!" I joked loudly. "Get this jacket off," I gripped at his leather. "Always dressed in black you are, are you emo lucas?"

"You didn't just ask me that," he smiled. I wasn't quite thinking straight but I swore that was the first time I ever saw a genuine smile on this man's face. It was the most refreshing thing I'd seen in weeks.

"Maybe I did," I smiled. "When did you get your nose pierced?" I asked. I was looking at his features a lot more carefully and closely before.

"Pretty much my whole life, I just don't wear a stud often," he said in a low tone.

"What changed today?"

"I dunno, just wanted to wear one." He lifted himself off me and sat up.

"No, where did you go!"

"Your so drunk, bitch!" He laughed. "So drunk I'm impressed."

"Really," I sat up and attempted to stand. "Yay,"

"Yay." He did indeed take his jacket off but he threw it over my head. When I pulled it off he was gone.

"Where are you going?" I whined. I realised he'd walked around the couch and into the kitchen.

"To get water-" the door bell rang. I heard the muffled voices of people talking. I recognised Lucas's voice, lucks voice too. But their was another. A man's.

"What's happening out here?" I walked into the conversation. Lucas turned to me, fear plastered over his face as I stared at him blankly.

"Isabela, no, get out." He rushed over to me and pushed me. I fought against him waiting to be apart of it. "Isabela, please just go!"

"It's her!" The man yelled. "It's Nikolaev. now. Shoot!"

"No!" Lucas wailed. Luck dived in and tackled a large man and David ran in and did some damage also. But in my fighting Lucas, a bullet hit me in the side and I screamed in pain.

I collapsed to the ground and blacked out. My whole body was numb. The throbbing sensation in my head faded and the high pitched ringing in my ear dined. The lights were to bright to handle so I let my eyes flutter closed. I was gone.

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