Problematic. 16

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Isabela mae

We got to a grand building. It was beautifully decorated.

During to drive, Lucas told me that he needs to talk to me about the knife. Also we need to find out about this swan business. It was none of my business until they went after my mother, but now they're getting a little too close to home.

We entered through the big grand doors. The whole of the Marchetti mafia watched as me and Lucas walked in. I had my arm linked in his. I took a deep breath and just followed where Lucas took me. Everyone was eyeing me up. That's what happens with these mafia men, they are all creeps.

He led me over to a table. We sat with Luck and Harry. Lucas' parents weren't here yet. Luck and Harry left to go to the bar to get drinks. It was just me and Lucas now.

"David did some digging," Lucas told me quietly. "Apparently, there's this new mafia group called the Swans." Lucas looked around to make sure nobody was listening in. "They've been attacking many lower grade mafias, it was a way for them to gain fear and make it to the top. They've only attacked one major mafia, your mother."

"Wow," I said. "I saw some of their victims on the news. The only thing that ties it together is a small depiction of a swan somewhere in the crime scene." Lucas pulled the knife from his pocket. "My mind immediately went to Robin, but he's dead."

"This group is going to continue to attack until they move up the ranks," he told me. "I just can't figure out their motive, or angle."

"What if there is no motive?" I asked.

"There's always a motive," he groaned and put the knife back in his pocket. "Petty criminals always have motives, especially ones who kill."

Luck and Harry returned with drinks. I laughed and tried to focus on having a good time, but I felt like something was off. Like someone was watching me or something.

Lucas' parents finally arrived. I kinda slipped away and stood by a door. I didn't want to get involved. Lucas' father really scares me, so I'd rather keep my distance. I smiled as I watched Lucas up on the platform. He was so serious and powerful up there. He was about to start a speech or something when the door next to me opened slightly. I thought it could have been a gust of wind that blew it open, but it was a steal bolted door, it couldn't just blow open.

I looked around and spotted a little hand gun on the table to my left. I quickly grabbed it and slowly walked into the room that the door led into. I gripped the gun tightly in my left hand. I turned a corner and was faced by a woman in a black dress. I held my gun up to her. She had long blond hair and a masquerade mask covering her eyes.

"Hello, Isabela." She smiled.

"Who are you?" I asked.

She giggled. She adjusted her arm and I looked at the swan tattoo on her forearm. My mouth hung agape.

"What is this?" I asked.

She smiled. "We want you to join us," she said.

"Who's us?" I asked. She looked behind me. I turned around and a red headed woman stood. She was wearing the same dress and mask, the same swan tattoo on her arm. "What is going on?"

"Put your gun down and we'll tell you," the blond girl said.

"Put yours down first," I told her.

"We want to join us," she told me again. She held out her hand.

"Join who?"

"The swans of course," the redhead said.

"Why?" I asked plainly.

"We saw what you did to our only male companion," the blond one said. "Robin."

"I killed him," I said.

"We know," the redhead said. "You killed him." She took a step forward. "In cold blood."

"Robin always had a special connection with our leader." She continued to tell me. "Our leader, she....even dated him at one point."

"But Robin was with the Raptors," I was rather confused.

"Yes as a spy," the blond one said. "He fed us all the information we needed to try to climb right to the top."

"You are marrying into the biggest mafia in the world." The redhead told me.

"And because of that we need someone with that type of intell," the blond one said.

"And what if I say no,"

"We kill you," the blond one said. "And everyone else in the building."

"Use your words wisely" the redhead giggled.

I cocked my gun.

"So what will it be?" The blond asked.

"No." I said

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